☕️ Morning Breakfast ☕️ / 5

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(This first part is so clitche my fing god- Anyways sorry for any errors I might be Dislestix because I have a VERY hard time with spelling and pronunciation, but idk enjoy lol.)

Zander's POV

I feel myself begin to wake up, I kept my eyes closed but felt myself in warm arms. What happened again? I flutter my eyes open to see myself against Luke's chest!

I kinda just froze there not knowing what to do- Wait.. HE'S WAKING UP SHOOT! I close my eyes pretending to be asleep and I think he fell for it.

I feel Luke start to play with my hair, twisting and stroking it with a soft manner. I melted into the moment and could just hear him smile.

After about 10 minutes Luke had fallen back to sleep and I could tell as his grip on me had loosened. I soon fell back to sleep


Luke's POV
I wake up again to see Zander still asleep, he looked so cute all cuddled up! I smile and let go of him, going downstairs to grab a poptart and maybe something for Zander.

I walked down the stairs to see Hailey on the couch watching Netflix. I grab a poptart (a magical vegan one) and some coffee for Zander. Hailey was too invested in her show (K-on! 😍) to notice me.

I walked back up the stairs carefully with the poptart in my mouth and set the coffee on Zander's bed side table.

I kind of just sat at end of the bed staring at Zander while I ate my poptart. Wait- why am I staring?!

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Zander groan and sit up slowly. "Luke..?" He says rubbing his eyes

"Morning Zander! I made you some Coffee, I know it's your favorite" I reply smiling

"Thank you Luke." I see his cheeks turn a tint of red.

As Zander drinks his coffee, I sit by him and ruffle his hair while I finish my poptart.

"You remembered my favorite flavor?" Zander says yawning

"Always have."

"Hailey's up, we should probably get ready now. "I say watching him finish his coffee

"Ok then." He groans

I giggle and head to the bathroom to change. I put on a comfortable outfit and walk out.


Luke's Outfit

Zander's Outfit

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Zander's Outfit


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After changing they both went downstairs to see what Hailey was doing

Still Luke POV (it's my fav)

Me and Zander sit down next to Hailey to see that she is watching K-on!. The rest of the time was us just sitting there watching TV and laughing.

This chapter is very short because I just wanted to get it out and take a break from this story. I don't know when I'll come back to it but expect it to be a few months. I'll be starting up another story about something I'm more interested in lately (Cough, cough Flower Husbands) and what not. I'll let you know when I come back to this so bye!

509 words

Secret Love // Yandere Luke AUWhere stories live. Discover now