🔪 The Perfect Kidnapping 🔪 /3

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Kidnapping, Blood, Swearing.

Jake's POV

Luke had asked me to help him kill Stacy for 50 bucks.
I had of course agreed, who knows maybe it'll be fun.

Luke's POV

Jake had agreed to help me get rid of Stacy for $50.
I pulled out my phone and went to Zander's Instagram account.

I pulled out my phone and went to Zander's Instagram account

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Damn he was so hot..
How did I fall for this guy?

I looked around for Jake, he still wasn't here.
Where is he?!

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around quickly.
"Woah there Luke." Jake says putting his hands in front of him.

"Oh sorry Jake didn't know it was you." I say putting my fists down to my side.
Jake titled his head "So how are we doing this exactly..?"

I sighed as I explained to him, "We're gonna break into Stacy's house and kidnap her, then we threaten her if she doesn't listen we kill her."

Jake nodded in agreement

"Let's go then."

30 minutes later

We parked the car 5 houses from Stacy's house.
She had a decent looking home, nice flowers, clean porch, and a tiny garden near by.

I could see Stacy brushing her teeth through the window, she had loud music on so we were okay.

I threw a hook by the window as we slowly climbed up. When we had gotten up I pick locked the window and hopped in as she turned around.

"AHHH! WHO ARE YO-" I stopped her screaming with bottle near by called 'naptime'?

Jake put her in a black bag as I looked around, her room was full of posters of Zander. I punched the wall in anger "SHES DEAD MEAT!" I screamed.

Stacy's POV

I wake up to find myself tied to a chair in an old basement. I look around to see 2 figures as they walk closer I can see more of who they are.

"L-luke..? Jake!"

I try to wiggle my way out of the rope but it's no use..

"So your awake?" The drummer says looking down.

"W-what do you want from me?" I say clearly in tears now. Luke looks up at me and slowly reaches into his pocket.

As I suspected he pulls out a knife and puts it near my throat. "Now...what's with you and Zander you little bitch.."

I blush slightly "N-nothing..! We haven't talked m-much.."

Luke looks at me bringing the knife closer to my throat as he pulls out his phone. The drummer then shows a picture of my bedroom, Zander's photos everywhere along the navy blue walls.

"Nothing you say?" Luke says laughing as he cuts across my throat fast.

I gagged "AH!" Luke slid his hand over my mouth as he whispered in my ear,"I'm going to touter you everyday until you see that ZANDER IS MINE."

Jake's POV
I watched as Luke cut Stacy's throat.
Was this right? I wanted this right?

Oh well as long as she's gone.. I'm one step closer to him...

I'm so sorry this took so long I've been busy with other things 🤩
But anyways updates will be random now and it's like almost 12 AM rn so yeah BYE!!!

Words: 545

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