🎉 He's Gay? 🎉 / 2

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Zander's POV

Wha- what did I just see?!
My eyes were dark staring at what I saw Stacy kissed him...
I hated it, I hated her, I hated all of this. They backed away, I heard their conversation..
"Luke I've liked you for a long time now..." Stacy said looking away shyly
I hear Luke sigh
"...Stacy I'm sorry but I'm.."


My eyes filled with shock, he never told me this!? I felt slight blush creeping up on my face. Wait why am I blushing?! I better go before he sees me..

Luke's POV

I hear somebody's footsteps, who was watching us? Wait..So they know now? This isn't good..

My thoughts were interrupted by crying. I turn to see Stacy crying, I forgot she was there. Shoot. I walk away with out saying a word and look for Zander.

I see him hiding his face in a book. Is he blushing? Nevermind, I call for him and he jumps when he hears me.

"Hey Zander!"

"H-h-hey Luke!" He says stuttering over his words.

"You ready to go?" I say trying to ignore the sweat dripping down his face.


We get our things and leave the school.

Zander's POV

We start walking down the path we normally do. I can't help but keep looking at Luke.. Look at him. He's tall smart and very handsome...
I look down and feel somebody turn me back.
"Zander are you okay?" He says holding up my chin.
My face turns red fast
"W-what are you doing..."
He lefts go of me slowly "Sorry."
"It's fine.."
The rest of the walk was pretty awkward after what had happened earlier.

"Bye Luke!" I say acting normal
He gives a wave then turns around waking home

Luke's POV

Why is he acting weird?
Maybe he was the one who saw because he doesn't know I'm gay..

I continue walking down the road, when I reach my house I pull my key out and unlock the door.
My parents weren't home so I had to place to myself for a while.

5 hours later

I start getting ready for bed, I was wearing red plaid pajama pants with a plain white t-shirt.
I lay in my bed looking out the window.
As soon as I know it my eyes slowly start to close as I drift off to sleep..

*beep beep*

I groan as my alarm goes off.
It's 6:30 like I always get up at.
I throw on my usual clothes with my red scarf and jacket.

I walk down the path to see Zander reading his book calmed down from yesterday.
Zander heard me I'm guessing because he looks up and waves.
I slightly blush and wave back saying "Hey Zander!"

Time skip to field

Zander goes to his bench while I head to the soccer field
After a few games I sit out to tie my shoe as I hear Stacy and her conversation
"Yeah he rejected me.."
"Really why your one of the prettiest girls in the school?!" I hear her other friend say
"He's gay.." She says

My eyes widen but I look away.
"Yeah.I think I know who he likes.." Stacy says with a grin.
"Who?" Zoey interrupts.

"HIM?" Her friend yells drawing attention, even Zander looks up.
Stacy covers her mouth and continues
"Anyways because he rejected me I'm over him and going for Zander now."
"But do you really like him?" Lia says.

I stop listening to their conversation and think to myself.
She likes Zander?
Well we can't let that happen now can we?
I'll have to do something about that then...

My thoughts are interrupted.
I look up and see Zander. "Oh sorry I was spacing off again."
"It's fine." He says with a sweet smile.
"Fields over wanna go to the music room?"
"Sure." I say as Zander drags me by my hand.

I blush while looking down at our hands.
His skin feels so soft..
Dang this guy's so perfect..
I look up to see Zander stopped.

"Y-you think I'm perfect..?" He says looking down.
"W-WAH-" My face turning redder by the second.
"It's okay really.." He says and I stop.

We get to the music room and see the rest of the gang there.
Hailey looks up "Wow later than Jake."
"Hey!" I hear Jake yell while setting up a microphone.

I roll my eyes as I walk over to my drum set while everyone else sets up.
"Okay guys," I hear Hailey say.
"Remember to each write a song for the competition by next Friday."

"Yeah, yeah Hailey we know." Milly says just getting done setting up her guitar.
"Just making sure Millicent." She says more sassy

The others were practicing, expect me and Jake today.
I was trying to plan how to get rid of Stacy
Getting her expelled, making her move, make people hate her.
A idea popped in my head, murder..

It was the most perfect way to get rid of her, but how..
I feel Jake peak over my shoulder.
"What ya writing about?"
He makes me jump and turn around "Wha- Oh." I say bringing myself forward again

"I can't tell you.. not at least here."
"Okay then let's go to the bathroom." He suggests
We both walk to the boys bathroom to see nobody is in there.
I walk into one of the stalls with Jake and lock it.

"So? What's this about."
"It's about Stacy. She likes Zander." I say softly.
"WHAT?" Jake yells.
"SHH." I say putting a finger over my mouth

"Anyways, I need your help to get rid of her.."
"What are you thinking about?"
I look at Jake with a big grin "Murder."
I watch his eyes widen then close.
"What do I get out of this?"

"Woulddd...50 dollars do the trick?" I say holding up the money
"Deal." He says shaking my hand.

The plan starts here then.

Words: 1010
V not included

Author's note


Yay I finished part 2! I actually finished this on Tuesday morning at 2 AM. And sorry for all the POV switches- 👀

Sorry for not posting this last week Wednesday, I was really busy that day! But I hope you like this chapter because I'm very happy with it!

The story should be updated every Wednesday and maybe sometimes on Saturday or Sunday. ;D

Love y'all! 💖

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