🥀 Victim 2 🥀 / 6

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Luke's POV

I had left Zander's when I got a message from Jake.

"I found out about another person that likes Zander."

What...I texted back immediately.


"Some guy named Ryan."

"Alright I'll deal with him, thanks Jake."

"You're welcome."

I knew what I had to do, so when I got home I hacked into the schools computer system to get more information on the guy.

What could I do?
Driving to commiting?
Or... getting him expelled?

That could work. Another death would be risky since Stacy is already "missing."
(She's dead btw 😍)

I'll have to talk to Jake about helping me again...Maybe another $50 would work?

In the morning

I couldn't focus during class today, I kept spacing out while Zander would talk to me. Maybe it's about Ryan?

Whatever it was, Zander seemed to notice quickly.

"Luke?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Zander "Huh y-yeah?"

He paused and looked at me in the eyes deeply, "Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot lately.." He sounds concerned, so sweet..

"Uh..Yeah sorry just thinking.."


"It's ok if you don't want to talk about it, I understand.." I look up, as he looks down at my hands, grabbing one softly.

"Just know I'll always be there for you." I blush, "T-thank you Zander.." I say smiling back.
(Pls make ou- I mean yayyy fluff..🤪)

"It's nothing really.. just thinking about the competition since it's so near.."

"If you say so.."

(Yum yum lander)

Hours later

I didn't have time to work on my plan since Zander wanted to stay over, which I didn't mind... We stayed up watching movies and playing games.

When Zander fell asleep I started to write out a plan in my notebook

Befriend Ryan.

Get him to reveal more about himself to me

Blame him for something to get him expelled

Make Zander hate him

Perfect! Now I'll have to tell Jake about it now.

Author stuff


It's been like uhhhhhhh a few months since an actual chapter but here it is! Also I named Ryan after Ryan from Barbie.

Sorry it's short I have writers block smh.

368 words

Secret Love // Yandere Luke AUWhere stories live. Discover now