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Third POV

Susan groans quietly as her eyes slowly flutter open blinking a few times for her eyes to focus as she face the ceilings. She quietly looks at it and glances around a bit 'W-What...? What just happened?' She thought to herself but soon later have a flashback of what happened before she falls unconscious and gasp sitting up quickly but groans in pain again as her head throbbed in pain as she holds it letting it rest on the palm of her hands before glancing down and looks over seeing the creature besides her lifeless, his hand rest on the ground, no sign of movements or breathing.

Susan tries to wake him up hoping there could be a small movement from him but nothing at all. She pulls her hand away and sat back down hugging her knees close to her chest looking at his lifeless corpse "what was he was trying to say before I fell unconsciously, what was he wanting to do with me?" She asked herself in confusion before looking over outside the window seeing it was still dark and the clock point it was 3:46am "Huh... I had been unconsciously for four hours" she mumbled to herself and sighs.

She glances down sadly and looks at the creature lifeless body quietly resting her hand on his "I don't know on what you meant, but if I did, I would help you. Rest easy" she whispered and started dragging outside to the factory and towards to the forest and started to dig a hole on the ground making it a tomb for him, away from the city so people doesn't find it and take it for examination instead of letting the creature rest peacefully.

Once she did, she carefully place the corpse of the unknown creature down into the hole placing both his hands on his chest and climbs out and started covering him before decorating his tomb with flowers she found not far away from her reach. Susan stood up and quiety bow her head down in respect of the last specie. Or so that's what she thought he would be, until she felt something... warm running inside her, she doesn't clearly understand why, her hand reaching over placing it on top of her stomach quietly watching quietly and lift her head up to look up to the sky as the star twinkle, the light of the full moon shining brightly through the entire nature and the peaceful city.

That is until she let out a soft grunts feeling a pulse inside her, her knees getting weak as they soon landed and touched the solid yet soft ground covered in green grass, panting quietly she soon took deep breaths to calm herself down from her panic attack,, waiting for the warmth and pulse feeling to go away.

It only took a few minutes for the feeling to fade away but the warmth was still there. She slowly sits up grunting a bit having one eye closed and looks down to her stomach "God... what is happening to me right now? Something is not right..." She said to herself nervously getting worried "Maybe I'll just let my boss know so I can relax and hope at morning it will be normal again... I sure hope so" she mumbled to herself before she decided to text her boss and let him know she wasn't feeling quite well and started heading back home holding onto her stomach.

Arriving back to her house she head towards to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower before putting on her night gown and heads towards to her bed and slowly lays down on her back, facing the ceiling in front of her, staring at it quietly before slowly closing her eyes hoping that she will be ok in the morning.

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