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"Hey! This isn't the place I was at before!" I yelled as we approached a modern apartment building with no chipping paint and actual stairs.
"Mom just dropped me off at a random house!" I yelled out of anger.
My grandpa looked at me weirdly.
"What house did she drop you off at?"
"Uhhh... 245 Lakeside Rd."
"That abandoned house?!" My grandpa yelled in disbelief.
"Yeah..." I asked in confusion.
"She just left you there... like alone?" Grandpa Kreese stated in shock. I nodded slowly.
He gave me a sympathetic smile, before exiting the car like nothing just happened. I soon exited as well, going in the cozy apartment.
I opened the door, slowly walking in and looking around at apartment 11. I walked down the hall and into an empty room with only a bed and white walls. I packed all of my posters with me, so it was time to decorate.
"Grandpa! I'm decorating the spare room!" I yelled from the doorway of the white room. He gave me a thumbs up and I started to unpack and decorate.
This was the result:
I finished and took a look around in awe. I liked this room. It looked different than my old room. It just had the same posters. I laid down on my cozy ass bed, slowly drifting off to take a nap.
I woke up to a bang on the door. I slowly opened my eyes and got out of bed. I opened the door to see my grandpa there.
"Come on kiddo, we are going to Applebee's." He stated firmly. I nodded before getting dressed. I lifted off my shirt, revealing a large bruise on my chest from the power of my grandpas hit at the dojo today. This just makes me look more badass.
I put on a tang top that showed my bruise and cleavage and a pair of sweats. I met up with my grandpa and we went to Applebee's.
I walked into the Applebee's that was close to my grandpas apartment. We sat down but someone caught my eye.
Oh shoot, all of the cobras are here.
"Grandpa, there are your students." I whispered, nodding my head in their direction. He looked back and smirked.
"Why don't you go talk to them?" Grandpa insisted.
I nodded slowly.
"I'm not talking to them they hate me!" I yelled a tad bit.
"They don't hate you, they are just scared of you." Grandpa Kreese smile grew wider. I giggled before ordering.
I noticed the waiter looking at my bruise, then slowly let his eyes drift downward to my tits. I scoffed.
"Hey you! Eyes up here before I pull them out of their sockets!" I yelled, causing some people to look at me, including the student at Cobra Kai.
I slowly sat back down.
"I'll have the bacon cheeseburger please." I asked in my high sweet innocent voice.
The waiter reluctantly wrote down my order. I smirked, leaning back into the comfy cushions of the booth me and Grandpa were seated in.
As soon as my grandpa ordered, he scurried off. I chuckled quietly to myself.
"You scared him away like Miguel and Hawk at the dojo." Kreese chuckled. I giggled.
"I have to go to the bathroom." I told my grandpa before heading over to the back of the restaurant.
Oh shit, I have to pass the cobras to get back there.
I walked past a group of people and Miguel who were talking with each other. I nodded at Miguel with a smirk. I wasn't sure who the girl sitting there was. Then I walked by Hawk who was eating a mozzarella stick, while looking down at his phone.
"Amelia Kreese coming over." Mitch whispered to Hawk.
Hawk turned his head to look at me. I was walking by, glaring at the people who dared to look towards my chest. I looked up and noticed Chris, Mitch, and Hawk staring as I walked by.
There eyes slowly traveled down to my breasts, making me smirk and walk towards Hawk. I watched as his eyes examined my body.
"You alright Hawk?" I asked flirtatiously. His breathing got heavier as he looked at me.
"I have a girlfriend." He muttered to himself.
"Really? Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know." I said with fake sorrow, stepping a bit closer toward hawk. He looked away, but his eyes were back to my body in seconds. His breath hitched as he examined me, Chris and Mitch as well.
I lifted my hand and wiped the marinara sauce that was left on Hawk's cheek.
"Got it." I whispered.
I smirked before walking away, making sure to look like a baddie as I did it.
I walked into the bathroom and did my business, before exiting the bathroom.
I walked back to my booth.
"What we're you talking to Hawk about?"
"Oh, just saying hi." I lied. He just nodded.
The food came out and we ate. We paid and left.
As soon as I got home, I laid on my bed, not wanting to take a shower and went to bed. I had cobra Kai tomorrow.

Pretty Boy~ H.MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now