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They said that school will be open even after the accident with Miguel. I was shocked and a bit annoyed. I hate school. But I'll have my brother.
You read that right, my grandpa forced the school to add him in.
They accepted and now we have the same classes.
They don't need to know his criminal record.
We walked into school and everyone looked at me confused. Who was the 5'8 boy behind me?
I know I said he was 5'11 but I over exaggerated.
He still towered over my 5'3 body though.
I was wearing a hoodie and jean shorts. He was wearing jeans with a crewneck.
We walked down the halls, and everyone made way for us.
He enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. We both loved attention.
Well, I didn't like attention when I was old Amelia.
I saw Hawk facing Demetri in the halls, along with Mitch in Bert having a staring contest with Nate and Chris. I decided to walk over there.
"Hey go find your locker, I'll be right back." I told my  brother. He nodded and went in a hunt.
I walked over.
"Hello boys!" I said in a fake cheery tone.
They all just glared at me.
"Something wrong?" I asked as I leaned on little Bert.
"Got something to say?" Mitch asked as he waved his hand in front of Mitch.
"Yeah. Check out my new lit book. A lot of hard hitting shit in here." Chris remarked.
Mitch looked down at the book with a horrified expression. I remember that he got hit in the head with that book in the distance of where I was fighting.
"All this security isn't enough to protect your scrawny ass." Hawk threatened Demetri.
"I don't need security."  He said.
"Yes you do D, we're plotting revenge on you." I inched closer. They took a step back, making me let out a laugh.
I was about to say more, but counselor Blatt interrupted.
"Is everything alright here?" She asked with her arms crossed.
"Oh we're all buddies here." Demetri replied as he put an arm around me and Hawk. Hawk hit his chest with a little too much force.
"Yeah all buddies." I replied with an innocent voice.
"Don't you all have somewhere to be?" She asked.
"Yes counselor Blatt." I said innocently, shoving Demetri's arm off of me with force. Enough force to make him stumble back.
Hawk followed me over to my locker, along with Bert and Mitch.
I saw Yasmine in the halls.
"Sup front wedgie." Hawk said. I laughed out loud, making her give me a scowl.
I continued to walk until I spotted my brother, he was by my locker.
"Did you find your locker A?" I asked as I approached my locker.
"Yep just waiting for you little sis." He said, ruffling my hair again.
"Your older by 3 minutes and 27 seconds!" I explained. He laughed
"Walk me to my first class Amy?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.
"Let's go." I said annoyed.
I helped him find his class, since we had the same classes. Some girls were giving him heart eyes, but soon stopped when they saw me following right behind him.
They were scared, I loved it.
We had all of our classes together, besides first period. That period I had with Hawk.
I dropped him off at his first class, and ran to mine. The bell was about to ring and I'm not good at being present.
I ran down the empty hallways, most people have gone to clas by now.
I arrived and opened the door.
Everyone turned to face me.
"Ms. Kreese your late."
"Sorry Mrs. Berlin. I had to help my brother find his class." I said with fake sorrow.
"Oh alright. Have a seat young lady." She ordered.
I nodded and sat with Hawk.
"Hey." I said with a smile.
"Meet me at my house. 10PM. Be there." He said as he placed his hand on my thigh.
I gave him a confused glance, but soon agreed. His cold, veiny hands ran up and down my thigh, making it hard to concentrate. It's not like I do pay attention in class, well, not anymore.
I'm not a pansy ass nerd anymore, but I'm going soft for Hawk, and changing to old Amelia when I'm around him. I can feel myself melting even more each time he touches me. And I hate that I like it. I hate that I'm letting myself go soft. But I still do it. Because I trust him.
Before I knew it, the bell rang,
"10PM. Don't forget." He said.
"I won't." I smiled before leaving.
The rest of the school day went by quick.
Right now I was at the dojo.
"Weakness is unacceptable! The fist at the school was an embarrassment. You lost soldiers, and we lost the battle. But you will not lose again, Diaz was one of our own. What they did to him, they did to all of us.and it will not go unanswered. We will show not mercy. We will show no weakness. We will strike back, and strike hard! Is that understood?" Kreese yelled.
"Yes Sensei!"
"I can't hear you."
"Yes Sensei!"
I was now laying on the mat, sweat dripping down my face, panting and trying to catch my breath.
"Nerd a hand?" Someone asked.
I opened my eyes to see a sweaty Hawk.
"Oh yes please." I groaned, taking his hand and pulling myself up.
Training was right today. Sensei was trying to show us no mercy by making us fight different people at once.
4 people were called to the mat, 3 people going against one.
Antonio, Hawk, and Mitch were the three people when it was my turn to stand in the middle.
I beat all three of them, even my buff brother.
He wasn't super buff, but you could see the imprint of his muscles.
"You did good today." Hawk said as we drank water.
"Thanks. You too." I smiled warmly at him.
He chuckled,
"Not as good as you though."
"Nobody is as good as me." I joked, nudging him.
He laughed.
"Why do you want me at your house tonight?"
"You'll have to see." He smirked.
I chuckled, before walking away.
I walked into sensei's office.
"Hey Sensei, wanna do the thing now?" I asked with excitement in my voice.
"Alright." He smirked, before walking out of the office.
"Class!" Sensei yelled.
"Yes Sensei!"
"You worked hard today. I have a little treat for ya." He pulled out a mouse. I knew where this was going.
"Cool, what's its name?" Little Bert asked.
"Hmmm I don't know. What should it be?" He asked.
"Hawk junior." Hawk smirked. I laughed.
"Bert, what do you think?" Sensei asked Bert.
He thought about it.
"Clarence?" He asked
"Clarence... good. Here take him." Kreese said.
"Y'know it's almost lunch time." Keeese smirked.
"C-can i feed him?" Bert asked.
"No. But you can feed him." He gestures towards the snake.
I laughed. I was enjoying this.
"W-what does he like to eat?" Bert stuttered.
"He likes to eat, Clarence." Kreese smirked evilly.
Bert hesitated to walk up to the snake. Sensei removed the lid for Clarence to enter. Bert was about to drop him in but he chickened out.
"I can't."
"That's ok. I understand. Clarence is your friend. Who else objects?" He asked
A few hands raised. I dint raise mine.
"Your off the team. Get out!" He yelled at the weak students. He dropped Clarence in and I smiled. That was fun.
We both walked back j to the office. I sat in the office chair, while Kreese laid his back against the wall. I closed my eyes, I was tired.
Hawk walked into the office.
I kept my eyes closed, cuddling into the chair.
"Sad to see your little friends go?" He asked Hawk.
"N-no Sensei." He replied.
"Go on. You may speak freely son." He said to Hawk.
"Is this the right time, to make cuts? We're already down students after the school fight." Hawk asked nervously.
"This is addition by subtraction. A true cobra feels no sympathy for its meals. Do you have a problem with that? Your girlfriend here doesn't." He gestured towards me. I was now officially about to fall asleep.
I could feel Hawk's eyes on me, even if I was sleeping. I could tell he was looking at me in awe.
"No sensei." Hawk replied. "I just don't understand the plan. With Miyagi-Do shutting down, we might get some new recruits." Hawk announced.
"But we will. In due time. First we are gonna need to strengthen our core. With Diaz out, we will need new champions. People with no fear. And no mercy." Sensei smirked. "You, Amelia, Antonio, and Tory are my best students. You all show no mercy. Go home son." Kreese said.
Before Hawk could leave, Sensei called him back.
"Yes Sensei?"
"Take Amelia home, or to your house, since your like dating her or some shit."
"Yes Sensei."
Hawk walked over and picked me up bridal style. He walked out of the office and to his car, thankfully he didn't take the motorcycle today.
He placed me in the car and put on the seatbelt. He got in the front and he drove to his house.
I woke up Amelia.
"Hey. Wake up." I shook her gently. She did, and gave me a big hug, almost as if she was telling me to carry her. I sighed, before picking her up again, and walking her to my room.
I set her down gently, and put the covers on her as I placed her in my bed. She looked so precious, I could feel my cheeks heating up just looking at her.
Her eyes fluttered open. She smiled weakly at me.
"Lay with me." Her voice was raspy.
I nodded, and got in the other side of the bed. She placed her head on my stomach, while I played with her soft hair.
I'm such an idiot for not asking her to be my girlfriend, that was what I was going to do it at 10PM. But there is now a change of plans.
"You never asked me to be your girlfriend." Her soft voice cooed, with an airy chuckle.
"Because I knew you were going to say yes." I laughed.
"What if I say no?" She challenged.
"You like me too much to say no." I smirked.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked nervously. I never asked moon to be my girlfriend, so I didn't know how to ask. Me and moon just went with it.
"Of course I do." She sat up and kissed me passionately.
"I have such an amazing girlfriend." I muttered.
"I have such a handsome boyfriend." She muttered.
She reconnected our lips, before snuggling into my chest, falling asleep. She looked peaceful, and before I knew it, I was asleep as, cuddling close to Amelia as I laid still.

Pretty Boy~ H.MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now