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narrators pov:

the young girl laid back on the grass in her backyard as she stared at the night sky. whenever her parents were arguing or she's stressed out she comes into her backyard and stargazes.

she was taken out of her thoughts by a smiley vinnie. her childhood best friend standing over her. "whatcha doing." the boy says to her causing her to sit up and look at him. "just staring at the sky." he sat down next to her. "why are you out here all alone?"

"didn't you hear the commotion inside?" he shakes his head. "i didn't come from inside your house. i hopped the fence." she nods before laying back down. "well my parents are constantly fighting and i can't study with them doing that, so i come out here to take my mind off things."

"well that sucks im sorry." he looks up at the night sky. "it's not your fault." she looks over to see him laying down staring at the sky too causing a small smile to plaster across her face. the boy couldn't help but stare at y/n. he had the biggest crush on her since freshman year. he was completely in love with her quite frankly a little obsessed.

before she caught him staring at her he broke the silence by playing connect the dots with the stars. "ooh! look let's connect the stars. that one looks like a penis." y/n chuckled. "real mature vinnie." he playfully rolled his eyes. "okay that one looks like a dog." she pointed to the imaginary drawing.

the two teens laid there continuing to connect the stars laughing and enjoying the time they had.
y/n glances at her phone and saw that the time striked 2:30 am. "wow it's almost 3am time flew past." the girl stated shocked "hell yeah it did."

"i think they stopped now i'm gonna go back inside." she stands up and begins dusting herself off about to walk away. "wait y/n." vinnie tugs on her arm, causing y/n to turn around to be just inches away from vinnie.

wow he's so beautiful. she thought to herself. "uhh. so we've been friends for a long time and i've kinda been hiding something from you." he rubs the back of his neck. "i might have caught feelings for you." she couldn't help but laugh at how flustered he was and how he's struggling to get his words out. "will you be my- you know what forget i said anything."

he turns around prepared to walk away but
y/n immediately runs in front of him. "wait no i've felt the same way too for a while." catching him off guard causing him to become even more nervous. he clears his throat gaining more confidence this time. "y/n." he grabs her hand looking directly into her eyes. "will you be my girlfriend?" at this point his heart beating like crazy.

"yes." she nodded before grabbing the boy's face connecting their lips. vinnie's hands rested on her hips as the couple kissed. they pulled away resting their foreheads on each others. "you don't know how long i've been waiting to do that."

the boy stated. "me too. i love you vinnie." his heart was about to explode in his chest. the three words he always wanted to hear were finally said. "i love you too." he connected their lips again.

"okay i should go." she whispered pulling away. "okay" he nodded whispering back. he placed a kiss on her forehead before letting go of her wishing he could hold her forever. he watched as she jogged back to her house she turned around waving at him. he waved back before she closed the door. the boy stood their smiling ear to ear like a huge dork doing a small victory dance before climbing back over the fence to his home.

he went upstairs showered and prepared hisself for bed. y/n doing the same at her house. the two laid in their beds thinking about each other. they both drifted off into a nice slumber.



i hate this so much.
hi my phone got taken so i couldn't post but i'm back. the part two to enemies to lovers got taken down but im gonna post it again. happy black history month to all my fellows. okay bye.

𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now