pumpkin carving;

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vinnie and i just set everything up for us to carve pumpkins. i roll my sleeves up and grab the knife. in my peripherals i see vinnie staring at me "why are you staring at me?" he smiled. "you're just so cute." i blushed before i start cutting the top off, vinnie doing the same.

once the top was off i jump in excitement. "taking out the pumpkin guts is my favorite part." vinnie says. "me too." i grab a handful of the slimely insides of the pumpkin. me being the jokester i threw a seed at his head.

he slowly turns his head glaring at me before throwing a pile of pumpkin guts at me. "yo! i wasn't gonna go that far." i screamed before it turning into a war. "okay okay truce." vinnie gave up because of me aggressively throwing the whole pumpkin at him. 

we finished cleaning out the pumpkins before cleaning up and getting ready to carve them. "do you have a extra carve thingy? mine broke." he shows me his broken carving tool. i laugh at him and then gave him the extra one on the table. "are yall done carving yet?" jake said walking out of the pantry. "we just started."

"yeah because y/n over here wanted to throwing pumpkin guts and seeds at me." vinnie whined making me roll my eyes. i continued to carve my punpkin until a spooky face. once i finished i grab a red candle from the cabinet. "what's the candle for?" getting a weird stare from vin and jake. "let me use my creativity please."

i ignored them and melted the candle to make it look like blood was coming out the eyes and mouth. "okay i'm done." i looked over at vinnie's and he was just finishing as well.

"woah y/n thats awesome!" jake stares at my pumpkin. i looked over at vinnie's pumpkin and he carved some silly face into it. "okay lets go put these in the front for display." all three of us walked to the front of the and put the pumpkins onto the floor around the door.

"i had fun." vinnie put his around your shoulder. "babe all we did was carve pumpkins." i laughed at him hugging his waist. "yeah but i got to do it with you." he looked down at me causing me to smile. he pecked my lips and then we went upstairs.



its spooky season.

i am distraught with some of the actions that occurred in omb season 4 😟. but most
definitely am upset that it's officially over.

yes i am still working on the requests some
of y'all left me.

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