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^^ the Arcane/Mechanical Planetarium Device ^^

It was somewhat disgusting, even after a gut-clenching night of watching shadow hounds tear peoples' throats out, to come home to a massive pile of corpses. Of course I remembered telling the hounds to bring the corpses to the castle for disposal, but seeing the pile, the sea of corpses, and smelling the horrid stench of nearly two thousand corpses, a scene very much reminiscent of many of the horrible things I'd seen in my youth? Two very different things. Luckily I hadn't eaten all day, so I simply dry heaved for several minutes and nearly broke my own ribs with the force of my stomach trying to empty an already-empty bag, then I washed away the entire pile with a long casting of Chaos Wave, just like I had with their Faction Buildings, taking all the Materials of all their Buildings and leaving behind only a pit that lead down to the sewers, a clear message for when they came back as new characters and had something to say to me about tonight's work.

Those materials and the gold I gathered from destroying their Faction Buildings' Treasuries would be going towards the building of at least one building for every Square Mile of the city, to ensure jobs weren't lost for the NPC's as a result of my War with the Factions of the city, and then whatever was left over would be used to Upgrade my Castle. At least, that was my plan, until I stepped into my repaired Castle, and a notification made me forget about all my worries all at once in favor of a small happy dance.

'User: Tabitha of Faction: Wanderer's Guild has Conquered the Starter City, establishing a Level Six Barony and Eliminating All Opposition; Her Territory is being Established as the area directly around the Starter City and stretching Northward towards Surge City, wherein she possesses Three Level Six Faction Piers. However, to possess Two Cities, even if she Conquers Surge City, she must have a Level Seven Base for a 'County'.
Unlocks Leadership Stat!
Leadership = (Charisma + Intelligence) / 2

Unlocks Title 'First Lady!'
First Lady: You have Established a Territory! Can you keep it for long?
Intelligence + 5, Charisma + 5, Leadership + 5.

Unlocks Title 'First Baroness!'
First Baroness: Your Territory Expands, and so do your responsibilities...
Intelligence + 5, Charisma + 5, Leadership + 5.

Unlocks Title 'Merciless!'
Merciless: Your Clinical Efficiency in routing out your enemies like rabbits and a fox is the stuff of legend; NPC Enemies will be more wary of you, in the future, and far less likely to plot against you. Players, however, are unaffected by this effect, and can lead revolts against you if their charisma is over half of yours.

As an Established Baroness with Land, you can grant Knighthoods to Four individuals to serve as your Vassals, which increases their stat growth and teaching speeds dramatically.

Unlocks Vassal System!!!
Current Vassals: 0/4.

As an Established Baroness with Land, you can impose a Tax upon your citizens; the higher the Taxes, the more dissatisfaction your citizens may feel, which can effect your Approval. If your Approval hits 0%, -meaning 0% of your people support you or many people actively dislike you,- there is a chance of revolt amongst your people!!!

Unlocks Taxation System!!!
Current Taxes: 5% (Common).'

"Ha!!! According to the system, I have successfully conquered this whole City!!!" I explained my sudden dancing to the perplexed Gregarious, and he nodded severely as if he'd expected it, once again stalwart of mein and laconic of tongue. "Well, I suppose that makes things here a whole lot easier... but first, Upgrading my Castle and researching Teleportation... I love Rex, he's the sweetest most gentlest and handsomest horse, but riding horseback all the way from here to Surge City and eventually the Black Tower is going to drive me insane! So inefficient!!!"

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