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^^ Elemental-Blooded Warrior ^^

The Tavern beneath the Inn was well-stocked and clean, and Gregarious had managed to scrounge up a cushion for me to sit on from some unknown corner, which was quite sweet, and well-received; a forty year dry spell being broken by a drink of water such as the Paragon Gregarious had left me like a fawn with new legs, to be honest, so I was happy for any sort of comfort I could have.

Of course, when Gina and Vincent arrived in their In-Game personas, neither of them missed the rather obvious and garish yellow cushion in the otherwise black and white bar, and I recognized them both because of Gina's lewd smirk and feminine figure, (totally unaltered other than her face, unlike my avatar,) as well as Vincent's uncomfortable shuffling, so I grinned and waved at them heartily. "Gina, Vincent!!! Come, come, sit, let me look at you!!!"

"MIMI!!!" Gina rushed forward and collided with me enthusiastically, burying her face in my chest while gripping me tightly, unwilling to let go, so I gently sat her down next to me, patting her head gently while her muffled crying was drowned out by the noise of the tavern.

"There there, child, I'm here, everything is alright. You changed your hair, I see, fancying a princess drill nowadays? As you can see, I kept my Grey hair, I rather like it more than none or brown hair. Hello Vincent, my favorite grandchild! How is your Father? Is he eating well enough? None of that 'liquid breakfast' nonsense, I hope?" Vincent smiled and hugged me as well as I held my free arm out to him, nearly knocking heads with Gina, just holding me tightly like I would disappear if they let me go. "Oh hush now, both of you, what's all of this crying for? I am perfectly healthy now, and Mimi is back in action and ready to spank some butts!!! Vincent, dear, who told you you were allowed to skip work to come take care of me in the hospital? And who is taking care of your father, you know he's an idiot who can't cook his own meals without burning the damned house down!!! And Gina, what about that darling baby girl, Francine, is she doing alright? If I find out you've ignored her for one little second, I will slap you both with ciabattas until you bleed; so help me God my little princess will have her way paved in Gold, damn you!!!"

Gina snorted, unable to help herself, then pulled back a little to kiss my cheek. "Yes, Mimi, we know; you left her a fucking fortune! How am I -ow- supposed to keep her humble when she's a millionaire before I am?" Gina, being a veteran of my family, took the slap upside the head like a champ, knowing it was coming, and Vincent, of course, couldn't help but laugh now, breaking the spell.

"Agreed, it'll be a struggle, and don't worry about my dad, I have a guy who comes and makes him dinner then plays pinochle with him every other day."

"Good, that's good... well, enough of that, you're snotting on my fancy magic robe! Sit down, both of you, have a drink!" Once both of them had moved to the other bench on the square table, I nodded and waved a hand to the barkeep for a drink for both of them. "Now that you've managed to ruin any attempt at seeming mysterious and powerful, let me introduce you to Gregarious Octavius, my partner in crime."

His response was swift and succinct, making me smile happily. "I do not partake in crime, but I am her partner. Greetings, children."

"Vincent Bambini, I am known as Victor here; I am a Scholar of History." Vincent nodded to the Paladin, who nodded back respectfully.

Gina grinned at him mischievously, holding a hand out. "And I'm Gina Bambini, I am known as Angel; I am a Scholar of Progress, just like my grandmother, the woman you are currently-"

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