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^^ Margrave Glenfarness ^^

I sighed slowly, rubbing my forehead, thinking deeply for a moment of two before simply asking the man to clarify. "You, you're Irish, aren't you? I myself am Italian, Roman specifically. To think I'd meet another Grade 1 AI here... what are the chances?"

His expression cleared entirely, and then he sighed deeply, shaking his head. "Great; ah've been kidnapped by a pasta-brained maniac with Teleportation Spells. How could life get any worse?"

Gregarious placed his sword on the Margrave's shoulder, carefully. "I could remove your ears... if you insult my partner again."

"Ah... aye, that's... that is indeed a good point, sir... I apologize." The sword slowly removed itself, and the small and chubby man glanced back towards me. "So! What can I help ye, a teleportin' Magic Person, with? What do yeh need of me?"

"Ah, that's simple; Serve me as my Vassal, as I am an Empress, and I've just Claimed this entire Sea and it's surrounding Cities as my territory. Or, I can just kill you and take your land, and when you reincarnate in a week, I'll be there, and I'll toss you in prison for the rest of your immortal life."

While the small man stared at me in shock, Gregarious leaned down towards me. "Wait, he's immortal? How?"

"The same as you and I, Gregarious; he's a Chosen One, even though he acts like a fat potato-"

"Oi! I'll not be toleratin' any potato talk from some pasta-brained shitbag, yeh understand?!?"

I turned my icy gaze back to his own furious one, and nodded slowly. "Sorry, wasn't meaning anything racist, I was just calling you fat and lazy."

He calmed marginally, and patted his belly slowly. "S'true, I suppose... I am gettin' a bit rounder by the day... lovely cooks in this world."

"As I was saying, he may be a loser, but some god, somewhere, refuses to allow him to die permanently, just like you and me, though differently from Jason and the others. So if I kill him, he'll just come back." I shrugged, then looked back at the chubby little man. "Now, my suggestion is simple; Submit, Serve, or Die, repeatedly." A contract appeared in my hands, then a quill, and I set both in front of him.

He glanced at it, then me and Gregarious. "Jus' like that?"

"Indeed. My time is limited, I'm making preparations for a battle, and you are a distraction I'd like taken out of my way. Of course, I could just leave you in this room until you starve to death, but that wouldn't be very sporting, so I'd probably just stab you with this sword of mine; make your choice or make your peace, those are your current options."

He glanced around the room, noting the lack of a door, and nodded slowly. "And what benefits do I get for following you?"

"Continued survival."

He snorted softly. "Threats don't work on me, dearie, I have what is known as a Spine. How about I offer you a trade alliance, instead?"

"Mm; counter-offer: You help me conquer the world, and become the head of my Empire's Department of the Treasury. Think about it; an entire World's Wealth, moving with the mention of your name."

"And yours."

"True. But, with your lack of ambition, what could you ever be without someone like me? A Margrave of a small port city, overtaxing people and not even having the necessary skills to keep the city functioning and thriving? Or would you rather be the Chief Treasurer of an Empire that will one day span the planet and beyond?"

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