Sorbet x Gelato x reader with hearing aid

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-When they first saw you, they thought that you were just being mean and thinking that you were just better than them. Every time they would try and talk to you, you would just ignore them and not pay them any mind at all. 

-But this wasn't just with them, the entire group didn't like you because of how you didn't talk or listen to any one. Even when ghiaccio was yelling at you, you didn't even noticed until you turned and saw his anger face. This is how it was like mostly everyday, they only ones who didn't seem to hate you was pesci and Risotto. This all changed when Gelato and Sorbet found a package with your name on it and it read a hearing aid. They brought it into the base and gave it to you personally, along with a a note that said "Sorry". You nodded your head and smiled at them as they handed you the package for you to open.

-After you put the hearing aid in, Gelato immediately started to apologize for they way they treated you before. Sorbet had to tell him to calm down before he scared you off. Both of them just wanted to know why you didn't tell any of them when you came to their base.

-You explained to that the boss said that he explained the issue to everyone before you showed up, but you guess he forgot. Gelato went on a small rage about how the boss is a load of crap and how he needs to do better at his job since he is the boss. Sorbet nodded his head agreeing with him, but told him to calm down because they had better issues to address. To make up for the way they treated you, they wanted to take you out on a little outing to an ice cream parlor that they go to often. As you went upstairs to get ready they called the others down and told them about you. Most of them felt sorry for the way they treated you and planned to make it up to you soon.

-When you were ready, the three of you set out on your adventure. All of you seemed to have a good time at the ice cream parlor. They even let you get ice cream with big sprinkle cone (that cone be hittin different on a hot day.)

-As the day went on you learned a lot about both of them that day. Gelato is more of a childish and funny person with a terrible temper if he doesn't like you. He also seems like the person who would tease or joke with you to be funny, but if you tell him he crossed the line, he will back off (maybe). He is also very talkative and the clingy one in the relationship. Sorbet seemed to be the complete opposite of Gelato, he is kinda on the reserved side, but when he is with Gelato or the anyone he cares about he talks a little more. He also seems like the responsible one in the relationship and he is in charge of the money.

-Months after the date, they both still treated you with love and respect. You three became best friends and then lovers. Most of the time, you would wake up to see Gelato on the other side of your bed watching TV , while Sorbet was reading a news paper on your little couch. When they see you are awake, Gelato would give you a bear hug, while Sorbet gives you a kiss on the cheek.

-Sometimes though, Gelato would start talking to you before you put on the hearing aid so you have to stop him mid-sentence and point to your hearing aid that is on the nightstand by him. He would sheepishly apologize and hand you the device to you. Though you usually don't forget your hearing aid, there have been times where you have forgotten it at the base. This is why Sorbet has gotten the three of you sign language lesson, so you three can communicate during the missions or if y'all want to talk about then gang without them knowing.

Icecream duo ( headcannons for Sorbet and Gelato)Where stories live. Discover now