Sorbet & Gelato x reader *fluff*

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Request: Fluffy Sorbet & Gelato x reader? I always read super yandere stuff with them but I would just like a bit of fluff 🥺 thank you!!


-Though you are new to their relationship, they treat you like they have known you for a long.

-Anything you want to do they are up to do. Even if they don't care for it much, it is worth it to see a smile on your face.

-Just like most people hc, they are very clingy towards each other and towards you. 95 percent of the time, you will either have one or both of them hanging around you or in your presence.

-Though they do enjoy doing this with you, they also have separate activities they enjoy doing with you.


-He is more on the reserved side and doesn't really do anything too crazy unless he is with you or Gelato. So in most cases, he will take you to the museum or to dinner, if Gelato is on a mission or just doesn't feel like going out (which is rare.)

-He is also more of a homebody when he has nothing to do. So more times than usual, he would like to do movie nights or cuddle dates. Sorbet would mostly do this with you since Gelato hates being in the house for a long period of time.


-Just like I already said, Gelato doesn't like to be at home all day, so he would most likely take you so where every chance he gets. Whether it be to the park or just walking the streets of Naples to see some of the street vendors.

-But his favorite thing to do with you is going to the arcade or to the beach. He never really gets to go there a lot since Sorbet really doesn't like crowds or being in the heat for longer than he has to and Gelato doesn't want him to suffer so he can a fun. So be prepared to come home with sunburns and a lot of prizes.

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