Sorbet x Gelato x standlessReader

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Request: Sorbet and gelato with a fem teammate who can't see stands but kills with weapons?

-They were surprised by this since most of the Passione are stand users, but they have respect for you regardless since you were able to make it in without a stand.

-Though they have stands, they used weapons often since their stands are not combat ones. ( If you watched this then you know what I'm talking about.)

-You being able to use weapons also makes them worry about you less because they know that you can protect yourself. However, when it is time for missions, they always make that at least one or both of them go with you. It's not that they don't think you are strong, but they just prefer to tag along to ensure your safety.

-And it also makes dates a lot more interesting. I can imagine that Sorbet and Gelato (mostly Gelato) like to go to gun ranges or play paintballs in the forest in their free time.

-So be prepared for either sore hands(from Gelato wanting to see who can shoot the most rounds into the dummy at the gun range) or light bruises ( from Sorbet's eagle eye shooting the paintballs.

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