soft yandere Sorbet and Gelato

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Request: Just noticed requests are open! I've seen you take an interest in my yandere stuff (/pos) and now I'm curious to see your own take! Could I get some soft yandere Sorbet and Gelato please?

Request: Just noticed requests are open! I've seen you take an interest in my yandere stuff (/pos) and now I'm curious to see your own take! Could I get some soft yandere Sorbet and Gelato please?

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-When they first saw you, you were working at a coffee shop where they would go to often. Gelato was the first one who started to talk to you. He mostly talked to you because of how shy and timid you were around people. He enjoyed seeing you blush and stutter when he playful flirted with you.

-Sorbet, on the other hand, was more reserved than Gelato. He usually just stuck up for you when you had a rude customer or co-workers. Most people knew who they were, so they would stop messing with you the moment they saw his eyes glaring at them.

-As time went on and you all started to get to know each other more, they both came to a conclusion that they wanted you... no, they needed you. You were still far too innocent and naive for your own good. You were too pure for this vile world. They knew they had to keep you safe and sound and that's what they planned to do.

-Sorbet was the one who stayed behind at the coffee shop and waited for your shift to end while Gelato was at fixing up the place and making sure that all the locks work.

-Sorbet waits patiently by the side of the coffee shop pretending to read a newspaper while trying not to look too suspicious.

-When he saw you approaching alone, he pulled out a cloth and hid in the darkness as you were getting closer. When you were close enough to him, he grabbed you from behind and put the cloth over your nose and mouth. He cooed and shushed you as you tried to get out of his grip. He gave you a kiss as you finally stop struggling as you slumped down in his arms.

-As soon as he brought you home, Gelato greeted you both with a hug and a kiss. He trailed behind Sorbet who carried you up to the room they prepared for you and put you on the bed before closing the door and locking it behind them as they walked downstairs to prepare you some food before you woke up.

-Gelato was probably the happiest out of the two because of how bouncy and talkative as he grabbed so snacks for you while Sorbet was fixing your food and getting you some pain killers for the headache you were going to have when you woke up.

-It didn't take long before you woke up and as soon as they heard you, Gelato ran up the stairs to your room and hugged you tightly as you violently hit him, but he didn't mind one bit. As long as you were by him, he was just fine.

-"Они идеальны (They are perfect)," Gelato said as Sorbet made it up the tray of food in his hands as he smiled at the sight in front of him. The only way he could describe it was like a child hugging an animal that didn't want to be hugged.

-Sorbet was able to separate Gelato from you (somehow) and explain the rules they have listed for you. Nothing too serious, but if you ever broke any of them, they said that there would be serious consequences.

-As you were letting all of this sink in you burst into tears as you begged them to let you go and you would tell no one. Sorbet picked you up and sat down with you in his lap as he rubbed your back trying to calm you down.

-To try to brighten up the mood, Gelato on the side of Sorbet and talked about all the fun things you all could do together as a couple, but it seemed to only make you cry louder.

-The two of them remained silent as they both tried to comfort you the best way they could. Both knew that it would take some time for you to get used to this new lifestyle. And they were prepared to wait as long as they need to for you to see them as lovers.

Icecream duo ( headcannons for Sorbet and Gelato)Where stories live. Discover now