>•||Chapter 3||•<

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As the child came in to the room, and placed the glasses down and gave everyone their utensils, they settle down on their seat and start to get eggs and bacon and placing it on their plate, to which Tommy does the same.

The Morning was a quiet one but it wasn't awkward it was comfortable, Tommy could hear the birds chirping outside the palace.

After they had finished eating, Tommy and Y/n stood up and both walked to the kitchen to place their dishes in the sink, since Kristin told them so and that she'd wash them up, as Tommy is getting ready to leave Kristin hands him a package, at first he furrows his eyebrows in confusion and look at her but all she does was smile at him.

'Momma!' The child exclaims grabbing onto their Mothers dress looking up at her, Kristin rums a hand through their (h/c) hair and looked down at them smiling 'Yes, My star?' her voice ever so smoothing 'Can I come with Tommy? I promise to come back home!' They ask with pleading eyes, wrapping their arms around their Mother encasing her in a hug, continuing to look up at their Mother.

Shaking her head she smiles at them and ruffles their hair causing them to giggle, 'How could I say no to you?' she smiles picking them up and giving them a peck on the cheek and place her forehead on theirs, staring into their eyes.

'Yay!' The child exclaims going over to Tommy when they're placed down on the floor and wrap their arms around him, looking up they smile at him as he ruffles their hair, 'Did you hear that Tommy? Momma said yes!' They hug Tommy as they rub their head against him affectionately.

Tommy smiles down at them, Tommy didn't expect to be so close towards a child he has only met briefly and only know so little about, but it proved to show that Tommy would be willing to know more about them, it's like having a little sibling that just looks up to you.

Kristin walks over to Tommy and ruffles his hair, giving him a side hug and sternly says 'Now, I want you to behave and listen to Tommy okay?' she gives Tommy a nod and smile as the child grabs Tommy's hand with both hands to send them back to where Tommy lives.

Kristin shakes her head as she smiles, her child was growing up and making friends, it was nice to see them happier than usual, they were always alone here in Sanctuary, she could only hope that nothing were to happen to those two.

Correcting  herself she makes her way through the hallways and enters this room that is enclosed with a glass dome, an indoor garden, inspecting the flowers and watering them she inhales and closes her eyes.

Opening his eyes, Tommy looked around and they were back at his place, shaking his head Tommy gets over the dizziness teleporting caused him, The child let's go of Tommy's hand and went to float up to his tent peaking their head in and out, just seemingly giggling to themselves.

Tommy walks to them and goes inside the tent to take out the little package Kristin gave him, peering over his shoulder they watched as he unwrapped the packaging and they smiled at the jacket inside, Kristin took note of the torn clothes Tommy wore and decided to give him this jacket.

It was a brown jacket and it looked cool to!

Tommy stood up and went to put on the jacket, it fit perfectly on him, it was a little uncomfortable but it was manageable and he could be able to stretch it out if he wore it more often.

Spinning around he gave the child a pose, 'What do you think? I look manly don't I?' he asks them with his nose up in the air and crossed his arms to appear cool to the child.

They frantically nodded their head, and clapped their hands giggling, 'You're really cool Tommy!' They exclaim putting their arms up in the air, Tommy chuckles and smiles at them.

'Tommy!' a familiar voice calls, out making Tommy peak his head out of the tent, widening his eyes he turns around to tell the child to be quiet and hide but they had already seen Dream, and it seemed like they wanted to make more than one friend.

They smile and went to leave the tent but Tommy pulls them by the collar if their sweater and grasps their shoulders, looking them in the eye he tells them, 'Do not go outside, okay Y/n?' he says sternly furrowing his eyebrows, the child looks at him with wide eyes but they look down staring at the ground and nod their head, Tommy sighs and ruffles their hair, standing up Tommy pats himself down and went outside the tent, closing it as to not reveal the child inside.

They look down at the ground and then raise their head, they didn't want to make Tommy mad since he was their friend now and they didn't want to upset him, being sad sucks.

They sit down on the ground and just hum to themselves.

Tommy walks over to Dream putting on a smile, 'Helli Dream!' he greets 'What, What brings you here?' he stammers, looking from Dream then to anywhere else other than him.

Dream hums.

'I just came to visit, and check out how you were doing.' Dream says adjusting his mask a bit, Tommy had been intimidated of that smiley face mask, you can never know what this man is thinking and what kind of plan he has up his sleeve, that's why it's best to be wary and have your guard up, 'I also see you got yourself a new jacket.' Dream adds.

'Huh?' Tommy looks at himself but he noticed that he forgot to take off the jacket from earlier, he clings the jacket closer to his body, in an action like wrapping himself in it and smile at Dream, 'Yeah..uh..I got a new jacket!' Tommy chuckles awkwardly.

Dream hums and looks off to the side, his eyebrows raise and he looks back to Tommy, 'And who's that?' He points behind Tommy.

'Huh?' Tommy furrows his eyebrows and looks behind him and he sees Y/n's head peering out the tent but they let out a yelp and go back inside the tent, Tommy sighs and slaps a hand over his face.

Dropping his hand to his side he looks at Dream 'Give me a minute.' he says straightening his jacket and went to go inside the tent to get Y/n and maybe scold them about hoe they shouldn't have peaked their head outside, opening the tent flaps he sighs and his expression softens looking at the child as they had this dreadful look on their face as if they did something bad, he crouches down in their level and puts a tentative hand on their shoulder and they look at them with a small smile.

'Hey, I'm not mad or anything I'm just upset you were spotted by..him when I planned to keep you out of his field since Dream isn't someone you could easily trust and I don't want anything happening to you.'

They look up at him, 'Is he a bad man?' they ask hesitantly 'I guess you could say that, but let's go out so you guys could meet, but if he ever visits again and you're here, your staying by my side, got it?' he states.

'Pinky promise' they say raising their pinky finger, Tommy smiles at them and links his pink with theirs, he stands up and picks them up as they giggle at Tommy 'Now come on, let's see what the green bastard wants.' He says without processing what he just said in front of the child.

1.3k words

Tommy oh no-

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