>•||Chapter 12||•<

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Another chapter because last chapter was short and I hope you guys will enjoy this because I've been holding on to this idea!


They waited as a person who wore a dress robe pass through the entrance, their features being destinct and their colors being a color gray, They looked up at the man and checked something on their clipboard.

"____ right?" they asked the man without looking up from the clipboard as their other hand held a quill, their long hair tied up into a loose low ponytail and their wore a faded dark blue robe, their hood pulled down showing their features, their eyes glimmering from the light of their lantern that was being held by their scythe, the man grumbles and they write something down before letting the clipboard disappear.

Grabbing their scythe, the squeaking that the lanterns handle made startled the man as he flinches making him look up at them, they smile and aboard the boat and extend their hand to the man, "I hope you enjoy your stay here." they smile as the man boards the little boat and they pull up their hood and taps their scythe on the boats floor twice making it move automatically.


Y/n was up in a little spot that Technoblade showed them when they asked if there was a place to just have some peace, they were on their own today since Tommy was out doing some cave mining to go look for something, they didn't remember what it was but Tommy mentioned something about 'getting more __ for a build.' he was going to be working on, although it didn't seem like Y/n had company but Techno had persuaded Y/n to bring one of his wolves since they might be lonely and in need of a friend to come with them.

But it was just so the wolf could protect Y/n if they were in danger.

Currently Y/n was making flower crowns and snacked on the cookies they made with Technoblade, they taught Technoblade of their Mother's cookie recipe and even promised him to teach him more of their Mother's recipe's so they could try it together and eat it with Tommy.

Y/n had I guess you could say moved in??

They just have a few sweaters and beanie's in a drawer and have a bracelet kit stashed on top of a shelf, Y/n got curious with what the beads tasted like and wanted to eat one but Techno picked up the kit before they could reach over and grab a kit and placed it on top of a shelf.

It was kind of dumb because they could hover above it but the scolding Techno gave them made them stop and not think of just float up to grab it, it showed how much he cared for them.

Y/n had almost finished making the current flower crown they had in their hand when a growl was heard, turning their head they watch as the wolf they brought with them was growling at the grass behind them, it's been long since someone was here and it was a bit unkempt and the grass was taller, there was a rustling that ould be heard.

Placing the flower crown down carefully Y/n stared blankly at the grass.


536 words.

I am presenting a new character next chapter!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed!!!!

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