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Takemichi Hanagaki.
-He would go all happy and goofy around you or whenever you are around like with a kind of stupid in love happy shy smile.He would jump towards you with that smile and glomp you in an affectionate hug or if he is a bit more shy he will sneakily try to hold your hand.

-"Y/nnnnnnn~"(happy) or

- will bite his lips whenever some guy he doesn't know talks with you.

Naoto Tachibana.
-He would smile a bit more, be a bit more relaxed or be totally fidgety glancing around here and there to make sure you are safe. He would be fidgety because he knows it's not safe around him and since he already has lost someone he doesn't want to lose you too so he'll keep on glancing around to be sure.

-"Y/n"(calm) or "Y/N!" (annoyed)

-will deeply frown when he sees some guy he doesn't know talks with you.

Manjiro Sano.(Mikey)
-He would be more cheeky, loose and a bit (or lot) more boastful whenever you are around.He would order his gang members around a lot more or use his dominating arura around his gang and show off his strength by fighting or breaking stuff.

-"Y/n Y/n Y/n" (cheeky) or

-He will give the silent scarey deathly face with a very dangerous threatening arura to the guy who (he doesn't know ) was talking to you fr behind you.

Ken Ryuguji.(Draken)
- This guy would be either  more irritated than usual or more silent than usual, like he likes you a lot but he doesn't want you to be near him since he could get into a fight anytime which could harm you.

-" Oi Y/n" (casual) or "Y/N" (serious).

-He will crack his knuckles very loudly while bluntly staring at the unknown guy talking to you.

Takashi Mitsuya.
-Boy here would be paying almost all his attention to only you or would be super attentive towards you. When you are around he will almost lose his focus on whatever he was doing and greet you with love.

-" Y/n?" (suprised but happy) or
"Yess Y/n "(peaceful)

-He will stare blankly at the person talking to you and after some time would join you greeting the unknown guy a bit forcefully " Hello, I'm Y/ns Boyfriend "

Tetta Kisaki.
-This guy here would be super ignorant of your presence but than once everyone else is out of sight would Bear hug you in affection or
would give you a secret smile that only you saw and wouldn't be that close to you but would be near by on the same side.(looking after you)

-"Oh Y/n" (blank but suprised) or
"Huh you Y/n, why are you here?"
(Mocking you but feeling extremely bad)

-He will go around asking people nearby casually about the unknow guy that was talking to you, if the guy is good than it's good but if he isn't, he will go up to the guy mocking him like sh*t, using words such as the unknown guy being from a different or rival gang or how the punk is mocking his gangs turf to either make the guy run away or start a fight and beat the sh*t out of him.

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