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Warning Angst Ahead!

- When Y/n is dead because someone killed her.

Takemichi Hanagaki.
-He would feel suffocated the moment he receives the news. At first he would refuse to believe it while shaking his head than tears would form in his eyes as he than would grip his own hair before slowly falling down to his knees as a scream would leave his lips.


Naoto Tachibana.
-He would be confused at first as he wouldn't be able to take it in, the news would slowly sink into him as his expression would change into a terrified one. While covering his eyes, he would bite his lips, holding everything in, he would mumble with trembling lips.

"No no no no Y/n..."

Manjiro Sano.(Mikey)
-He would be so shocked that he  wouldn't even be able to show any emotions, The pain of the news would be so much that it would make him numb. Then the only thing that he would be able to do is not mourn but kill.

"Who did you say killed Y/n?..."

Ken Ryuguji.(Draken)
-He would be in chaos, everything in his sight would be a blur as the moment he hears the news, all the things that could have been done, all the things that should have been done with you and him together would flash into his mind, such as the two of your marriage, the two of you having kids, being a family. Beacuse that is gone, because you are gone now he will destroy what made it gone.

"I'll kill you!"

Takashi Mitsuya.
-He wouldn't know how to react.
Should he keep calm so that no one gets worried or should be go on a rampage and kill the person who killed you? He would be having an internal war inside him from either snapping into rage or crying from pain.

"No tha- this can't be..."

Tetta Kisaki.
-He would for the first time ever break. He would break so hard. His mind would be in chaos, his heart would be in chaos. That would be the first time he ever broke down like that, the first time he ever broke and he knows it, he hates it but if it is for you he would rather die than you be killed that's why he will kill that person even if he has to die.


Shuji Hanma.
- He would panic, he would panic so bad that he would even be willing to ask for help while throwing his pride away. He would fall to his knees, tears falling from his eyes as the small smile on his lips would tremble with sorrow. Eyes widened with pain and hopelessness.

"Y/n is fine right? Please tell me Y/n is fine..."

Keisuke Baji.
-He would snap,all the things around him would break as he would smash his hands into everything while screaming his heart out. After that when everything is broken, when nothing is left he would finally sob feeling numb all over.

"Y/N! Y/N!Y/N!.........Y/n..."

Chifuyu Matsuno.
-He would try to be strong. He would try to smile when he hears the news and tell everyone he is okay but when tears would drop from his crinkling eyes as the tip of his smile would waver. Then he would run away and curl into ball while repeatedly punching the floor.

"WHY!? WHY Y/N?!? WHY HER?!?"

Kazutora Hanemiya.
-He would lose his mind.The same smile he had when he lost his bestfriend would appear on his lips but this time it would be followed with tears streaming down his face as he would laugh pathetically, he would finally be broken beyond repair.

"Y/n not you too...."

Shinichiro Sano.
-He would be a mixture of emotions. He would be in rage but would also try to calm himself from doing anything stupid. He would then think long and hard before turning back, his eyes hollow and voice dull as anger would radiate off him.

"If Y/n is dead than there is no use of anything being alive.."

Hello Readers! Author is not very good at writing stuff like this, stuff related to death so I hope this was alright for you.

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