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Takemichi Hanagaki.
-When you bake for him, He would try to help you around the kitchen which would make the kitchen even more messy so he would have to leave apologetically. When he eats the baked goods, His mouth would water after just one bite as he would than snatch one after the other and eat them."Soo goooood"
He would definitely unintentionally end up bragging about it to everyone for the whole day.

Naoto Tachibana
-When you bake for him, He would help you in the kitchen again. The two of you baking would result in a baked good much more grand than expected. You were going to bake something simple but with his help it ended up turning into a whole different level of baking.
He would enjoy the whole afternoon relaxing while eating the baked good with you."It turned out great"
He would pack some of the goods and send it to others after asking you.

Manjiro Sano.(Mikey)
-When you bake for him, He would be super excited following you into the kitchen and trying to bake with you. He would be bad at it at first but after a while he would surprisingly become really good at it. In the end the two of you would have baked something for eachother. He wouldn't eat the baked good you made for him right away instead first flashing it to the others than gobbling it all up when they ask to have some.

Ken Ryuguji.(Draken)
-When you bake for him, He would follow you into the kitchen hesitantly and just stand there with his towering figure, silently looking around with no clue of what to do. You would end up only asking him for certain ingredients while you did all the baking and him just standing there and handing you the ingredients.
He would take only one bite of the baked goods than save it to eat later like how when you like something you try to save it so you can enjoy it more.

Takashi Mitsuya.
-When you bake for him, He would help you in the kitchen but he would make sure to not get in the way of waht your mainly baking. He would make sure to not distract you off track of what you want to make while occasionally talking about his sisters who would love to eat baked goods.
He would eat it happily while also making you eat some with him too, He would also make sure to take some home for his sisters.

Tetta Kisaki.
-When you bake for him, He would follow you into the kitchen curious to see you bake later after a few minutes of observing you, he would join baking with you but he would follow an instructional guide book with the recipe for baking. In the end even though it was his first time baking, even though he only followed the instructional guide, His baked good was still a hundred times better which kinda of stung but atleast he made it all for you so you enjoyed eating it in bliss. He on the other hand seemed quite happy maybe even too much genuinely happy with your simple baked good, having even a small soft smile on his face.

Shuji Hanma.
-When you bake for him, He would be asking you why you want to bake for him, He would ask you so many questions such as "What's the special occasion?" Or "Did something good happen?" He would follow you into the kitchen and almost set the kitchen on fire just because he wants to make baking a bit more thrilling.You would almost kick him out if it weren't for him looking shocked himself while immediately placing his hands up in a surrender motion. He would eat the baked goods luxuriously while popping some into your mouth when you didn't see it coming.

Keisuke Baji.
-When you bake for him, He would follow you into the kitchen and try to show off how good he is at baking which was very horrible at the first part but during the later end process of the baking he was actually quite good at only that last part of the process. He would eat the baked goods with you happily with puffed out cheeks, choming loudly if the other asked him for some, he would glare.

Chifuyu Matsuno.
-When you bake for him, He would immediately put on an apron, put one on you too than drag you into the kitchen exclaiming "Well what are we waiting for? " and start the baking even though you were the one who actually wanted to bake. In the end the two of you ended up baking the couple themed goods whuch he read in one manga. He would happily eat the cake while saying how much he is gonna show it off to the others.

Kazutora Hanemiya.
-When you bake for him, He would follow you into the kitchen and constantly warn you about everything even the tiniest thing such as the small knife you were about to use to cut an ingredient " Be careful,that's sharp Y/n" He would laugh nervously when you gave him an annoyed look.
He would surprisingly suggest sharing it to the others because he finds it too delicious to not let the others have a taste. He would point saying to anyone who tasted it that it was made be his girlfriend, you.

Shinichiro Sano.
-When you bake for him, He would instantly call his siblings over later regretting it when his siblings seem to latch onto you, taking all your attention. He would than grumpily help around the kitchen. "Damn, I shouldn't have called them" He would mumble while sulking in the corner of the kitchen. He would actually have  playful fight with his siblings over the baked goods. He would again sulk in the end because his siblings would have won and take all the baked goods left. He would than beg you to bake together again but without his siblings knowing the next time.

 He would than beg you to bake together again but without his siblings knowing the next time

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---The way Kazutora does that(⬆️) makes me wanna hug and protect him---

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