53. Sugar Cubes

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"Do you know what they're called?"

Ushijima shook his head, standing up with you as you both finished stretching.

"I bet it's like, long tailed something." You nodded, looking up at the red, black and white bird jumping from branch to branch a couple feet away from the both of you.

Ushijima typed something into his phone, turning the screen over to show you what it said as he nodded.

"Long-tailed Rosefinch."

You laughed boisterously, scaring the bird away and immediately shutting up, looking up at Ushijima with sorry eyes.

He waved you off with a small smile, turning to start walking back to the dorms as you trailed behind him.

According to Kozume, there wasn't any snow in Tokyo right now, it was still a bit chilly though. So your team agreed to keep the winter jackets, unlike the boys who would go in their simple tracksuits.

Kozume's team hadn't made it to nationals, but he said he'd stop by at the matches anyway.

"Y/N." You were pulled out of your thoughts by Ushijima as he lightly nudged your side.

"Ah—yes Wakkun? Sorry, I was a bit distracted."

He slowly shook his head, looking ahead as he stuck his hands back in his pockets.

"You're fine, I was just asking about what you packed."

You hummed, looking at some birds up ahead as you pointed at them before answering. "Ah, well I packed a lot of hoodies and sweatpants, Nii-chan threw in two pairs of jeans and a nice shirt, along with a more... presentable sweater." You drifted off, trying to remember what else you had stuffed into your suitcase the day before. "I also packed some of the finished handkerchiefs I made for a couple of the guys from other prefectures and my kit to embroider while we're on the road." You finished, looking up at Ushijima as he hummed.

"Why? Are you scared you underpacked?" You asked, tilting your head to the side as he slowly nodded.

"I packed tracksuits and workout clothes for the most part. I didn't know we needed a presentable change of outfit though." He nodded, taking a hand out of his pocket to comb it through his hair, sighing as his breath came out in a puff of white fog.

You lightly giggled, shaking your head as he looked at you in curiosity. "You don't have to bring a change of clothes Wakkun, I did because the Miya's will most likely drag me out somewhere with Kozume. Also, you never know when a situation may arise for you to dress up nice and fancy." You said, finishing the end of your sentence with a wiggle of your brows.

He let out an airy laugh, bringing a hand up to ruffle your hair as you quietly whined.

"You're right Y/N-chan. I'll pull something together..." He hummed, glancing back at you as you tried to pat your hair back to how it was before. "Just in case."

You gave him a lop-sided smile as you walked with him past the stables, stopping mid-step when you caught sight of a familiar looking lanky beanpole.

"Satori-san?" You asked, Ushijima following your line of vision as his eyes landed on the red head standing in the stables, handing a horse some type of cube while he held a bag in his other hand. "What're you doing here?"

You and Ushijima carefully walked in, walking over to Tendou as he opened the bag a bit wider, letting you both see what was inside.

"I'm feeding the horses sugar cubes." He grinned cheekily, handing you the bag as he took another sugar cube out. He walked to the next horse, handing it the sugar cube while his free hand went up to pet its side.

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