Chapter 20: Trying Not to lose it

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It was an unusual day at Fazbear's Pizza. Sky was helping the waiters with getting orders cause it was Slammed packed in the 2nd floor.
Sky was doing the part of the receptionist.
Then as Sky was tryna get the next people in the restaurant, one of the waiters came over, it was Jessica.
Sky felt a tap on his shoulder.
S: "Oh Hey Jessica."
J: "Um Hi. There is an issue with some customers."
S: "Ok, you deal with the receptionist role, and I'll deal with it, where are they at?"
J: "In the back."
Sky walked over to see what the issue is. He stopped and heard a commotion.
He turned and saw a mother with her toddlers, the everyone were tryna plug their ears. And the mother didn't care.
Sky walked over. It was Wednesday, so the toddlers ar not supposed to be upstairs.
S: "Excuse me ma'am?"
(We will have the person as EM as Entitled mom)
EM: "I told you God damn it, I already paid for this. And I'm no taking my bitching kids down stairs, you fuckin twa-"
She looked up and realized she ficked up.
S: "You what, ma'am?!"
EM: "Oh, So glad your here. Everyone has been telling me to take my kids downstairs. I want that waitress fired."
S: "Yea no, that's not happening."
EM: "What? I want to speak to the manager."
S: "Here I'll make is easier for you. Hi, my name is SkytbmSwales, I am the Owner of this restaurant, and if you read our schedule. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Kids ages 15 and under as well as Adults of they want, are downstairs and Kids ages 16 and over including Adults, are upstairs. And so when they say take you kids down stairs. Means you have to."
EM: "But I paid for my time to come here the other day for today."
S: "Yea, that's for downstairs, today is Wednesday. So if you don't comply. I will have to ask you to leave."
EM: "I will call the police and False accuse this place to get you shut down."
Sky then tapped his glasses.
S: "Thanks for information to give the police, so go ahead, call them."
EM: "Fuck you, this place sucks anywa-"
Sky slapped her.
S: "Watch your damn tone. Or I will make sure no one hears from you again."
She than took her kids and left.
Sky turned to everyone else.
S: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sorry for the issues with that entitled cunt. I hope you guys will have a better stay."
Turns to the animatronics.
S: "Hey, Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, and Baby. Play some Jazz music for these guys."
They did as told.
Sky walked over to see how the Bar is doing.
S: "Hey Foxy, how's it going?"
Foxy was making 2 drinks while talking to Sky.
F: "It be going really good. Have sold 20 different drinks, a mix of soda, and soft beers, as well as some shakes and more drinks."
S: "Oh that's good."
F: "Har Har, some people tried ordering Foster beer. But there were some Australians in here."
S: "Hehe, let me guess, when they tried to order it. The Australians asked." *in a perfect Australian accent* "'Ya like the taste of piss do ya?'"
Sky and Foxy were dying of laugh.
F: "Har Har, that be exactly what they said."
Sky turned and saw the professional bartender.
S: "Hey, bartender, I don't think you ever gave me your name."
The bartender had a full Irish accent.
(The bartender is Bren)
Bren: "Oh, me name be Brendan, ye mush be the owner of the fine restaurant."
S: "Why yes I am, you must be from Ireland, you have a Very clean Irish accent."
Bren: "Yes indeed laddy, I be from the good ol' lands of Ireland."
S: "Ah. Neat, and you also know that these are animtronics and not humans correct?"
Bren: "Yes I know, Foxy here act more human then the rest of them robotic lads."
Sky, Brendan, and Foxy were just chatting, Sky looked over. And saw some officers and some people in military uniform.
S: "One sec."
Sky walked over.
S: "Hello Officers and Military servers, my name is SkytbmSwales, how can I help you?"
The Chief officer: "Hello Sky, My name is Chief Anderson, and I was told by one of the employees that came into the station about this place. So I invited the Police and Fire stations as well as some of the hire ups in the military to come check this place out."
S: "Well, follow me, we have a table set up for you."
All 50 of the people sat down at the table made for 50 people.
Sky went down the line asking everyone what they want to drink. All the waiters helped him. Brendan and Foxy where doing 4 drinks at a time.

-15 hours later-

Everyone was exhausted.
S: "Ok. Imma close the place for the next 4 days, everyone go home and relax."
Everyone went ahead and left, Sky and Lucy stayed to take of billing, paperwork, complaints, emails, comments, and all that.
Sky heard something, he looked up.
S: "Hey baby, did you hear anything?"
L: "No, you might just be tired."
S: "Yeah. Might be."
Sky went back, he got half of it done, Lucy was getting the other half done. Sky then heard a voice, and Lucy apparently did as well.
It was a fate voice of Nick.
Sky got up and Lucy followed him, she got her half of the stuff done anyway.
They walked out, and the saw him and his pond.
L: "Sky, who is that."
S: "That's. Old Man consequences."
Old man: "Good to see you again. Sky."
S: "Yea yea. What do you want?"
Old man: "I since a Down fall to your place."
S: "What are you. Talking. About..."
Sky saw Nick, and Kyle were standing there, all bloody and messed up, as well as Gaz and Jeremiah were there.
S: "Nononono!"
L: "What are you doing to him?!"
Old man: "I'm doing nothing, but reminding him of the consequences of his actions."
The old man turned and saw that Sky's body was glitching, Lucy backee up a bit.
Old man: "What in the..?"
Sky turned and he had one normal eye and one glowing red eye. And his voice was glitchy.
S: "W̴h̸y̷ ̷m̴u̴s̵t̴ ̵y̴o̶u̴ ̴d̷o̶ ̴t̵h̷i̶s̴?̵!̶ ̶M̶a̵y̷-̵M̴a̴y̴b̴e̴ ̷y̶o̷u̸r̸ ̶t̴h̵e̶ ̷c̴a̸u̵s̸e̵ ̵o̸f̶ ̴t̶h̴e̴ ̶D̴o̶w̴n̷ ̸f̷a̶l̴l̵ ̷S̵k̶y̶ ̷p̶i̷z̴z̷e̵r̵i̶a̴,̸ ̸m̸a̴y̴b̶e̶ ̶y̶o̵u̴ ̴s̷h̵o̵u̴l̶d̶ ̴s̶t̷o̸p̴,̴ ̶c̵a̷u̷s̷e̶ ̷y̷o̵u̸ ̷d̸o̵n̶'̵t̶ ̴k̷n̶o̷w̶ ̵w̵h̸a̷t̵ ̷y̶o̶u̷r̴ ̶m̴e̵s̴s̵i̵n̴g̴ ̶w̸i̶t̸h̸.̶"
The old man was confused.
Old man: "What in the hell are you?"
(É̸̺̓̕ is Entity)
É̸̺̓̕: "W̷e̵l̵l̷,̴ ̵l̷e̷t̸ ̸m̶e̴ ̶i̶n̵t̴r̷o̴d̷u̴c̵e̷ ̷m̷y̶s̵e̷l̴f̸,̴ ̸m̴y̷ ̶n̸a̶m̶e̶ ̵i̶s̷ ̴E̶n̵t̷i̸t̶y̷ ̷t̸h̶e̷ ̵i̵n̵k̴ ̸d̸e̵m̷o̴n̸,̷ ̴a̴n̶d̷ ̵Y̶o̸u̵ ̶M̷r̶.̶ ̷O̵l̷d̴ ̷M̶a̵n̴ ̷c̶o̸n̴s̴e̴q̷u̵e̸n̸c̴e̴s̵,̴
̶a̷r̶e̸ ̶m̵e̵s̷s̸i̶n̴g̵ ̷w̸i̵t̴h̴ ̷s̵o̴m̷e̷t̸h̶i̸n̷g̸ ̶t̵h̸a̸t̴ ̷y̸o̶u̵ ̶s̶h̷o̸u̶l̶d̴n̷'̵t̶.̸"
Lucy was amazed. And the old man, was apparently terrified.
É̸̺̓̕: *S̶m̵a̵l̴l̸ ̴c̴h̴u̴c̸k̵l̴i̷n̸g̸* "W̴h̸y̶ ̵s̶o̴ ̸s̷c̴a̸r̵e̶d̴?̴ ̵H̶m̸m̵?̵ ̸I̷'̵m̶ ̶n̸o̸t̶ ̸g̷o̸n̴n̸a̶ ̴h̷u̵r̵t̸ ̶y̶o̷u̷ ̶o̸r̷ ̵d̴o̷ ̴w̷h̶a̸t̴ ̸y̶o̸u̵ ̴d̸i̵d̵ ̵w̴i̸t̵h̸ ̷S̴k̴y̸.̶ ̵I̶'̸m̸ ̷j̶u̵s̶t̴ ̴t̸o̵ ̷r̵e̶m̷i̷n̵d̸ ̷y̵o̶u̸.̷ ̸D̸o̶n̶'̷t̵ ̸m̸e̵s̷s̶ ̶w̶i̵t̵h̷ ̷s̷t̵u̵f̷f̶ ̶t̶h̸a̵t̶ ̴y̶o̴u̵ ̴d̷o̷n̶'̶t̴ ̸k̶n̷o̸w̵ ̴w̶h̵a̷t̸ ̶t̷h̷e̷y̶ ̵a̷r̷e̸ ̶a̸b̷o̶u̸t̴.̷"
Entity then turn back into Sky. And the Old man turned it back to the normal reality.
Sky and Lucy locked the place up and went home, to have some fun. Tomorrow is might be the last day.

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