Chapter 16: Afton pleads the fifth

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It was another day at Fazbear's Pizza, and Sky was just sitting out in the Pizzeria, was working on some financial work, paying some bills, and responding to comment on all of Fazbears Pizza's socials and channels.
OFp: "Hello there Mr. Boss man, how are ye?"
S: "Huh? Oh, hey Foxy, I'm doin fine. How bout you?"
OFp: "I'm doin good, just wondering the place seeing what's here."
S: "I see. And how are you enjoying the new area?"
OFp: "It feels like I'm at home, and it's a wee bit nerv rackin to be next to Toy Foxy, but I can over come it."
S: "Oh, ok."
Sky got up cause he was done for the day.
S: "Imma go shopping for some supplies for Chef Eliana and Chef Lillian."
OFp: "Ok, I'll talk with Toy Foxy for a bit, cause I am bored."
Sky walked to the door to go leave, and then someone showed up.
A: "Hello Sky."
S: "What the fuck you want?!"
A: "Hey. Cool it down. I did nothing wro-"
S: "Nothing wrong?! You fuckin stole a Animatronic from another location, who is, might I add, The Dead Owner."
A: "The owner is dead, and inside the animatronic. That makes no sense."
S: "Bryan. The Former owner of Freddy Land, was killed by an unknown cause, and he was put inside of animatronic known as Show Time Steve."
Afton was silent.
S: "And not long before that. Our nightguard Jeremiah was killed by that fake Russian fuck, Vincent. And that also sound like something You would do. I have read your history fuck boy, like killing kids, piece of shit. Have anything to say to me?!"
A: "Fine. I plead the fuckin fifth. What you gonna do about it? I've done multiple of this, no prison can hold me."
S: "I can understand that, but I'll let you know one thing, since you don't know shit about me. I can make sure," Pulls Afton by the shirt closer to where they are Face to Face.  "that NO ONE, finds you God damn body!"
Sky let Afton go.
S: "Now get the fuck of my premises, your trespassing, and I want you gone."
Afton ran back to his car, and drive Fast out of the restaurant.
OFp: "Holy fuck."
Sky turned to him.
S: "And that's why I said day one. Stay on my good side."
OFp: "I understand it now, I'm gonna sleep. Have good day ye kind fellow."
Sky nodded and left to do what he said he was.
Sky parked at Fred Myers, walked in and started his shopping.
He walked around looks at the toys then the shirt before shopping for the Chef's need.
Sky walked down the Aile of Acton Figures and Plushies. And saw the merchandise on shelf.
S: "Hehe, we have grown this much, our Toy merchandise made it to stores."
He walked out the Aile, look at his phone he accidentally bumped into someone.
S: "Omg, I'm so sorry."
The girl responded. "No no, it's fine, it my fault."
S: "I was looking at my phone not paying attention."
The Girl. "I was as well. Was looking to were the Fazbear's Pizza Merchandise of Shirts and Hoodies.
S: "Well Luckly I was heading that way."
The girl. "Oh. Ok. And my name is Kat, btw."
S: "I'm Sky."

-few mins later-

Sky was walking down each Aile, grabbing the stuff for upstairs and downstairs. He got 20 miss calls from Afton. Didn't care. He then got a call from Davis.
(If text is this. Is either Phone call or Sarcastic thing or something)
S: "Hello?"

: "Hey Sky. I got a call from Afton that you missed and ignore 20 calls."
S: "Yeap. That exactly what's on my phone."
D: "Jeez, what he do."
S: "I'll play you the Audio file when I get done at the store."
D: "Ooh, alright. Getting stuff for your Chef's?"
S: "Yeap, we were running low on food for up and downstairs."
D: "Ah, sounds neat, well I'll talk to you later."
Sky had everything he needed, he walked to the counter, he stopped by the Plushies Aile. And grabbed 3 plushies, a Humanoid Bonnie plush, and a plush of himself, as well as a plush of Josh.
He walked to the checkout area, and waited in line, he was looking at his personal phone. He had 2 phones. A personal and a business phone.
He saw a bunch of notifications so he just waited to respond to them. He felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned and saw some person.
S: "Um can I help you?"
She went to try and kiss him, and he pushed her back.
S: "Woah woah. I have a girlfriend."
He turned around started putting his items on the conveyer belt, Sky chatted with cashier.
(Fc will be the Fred Myer cashier.)
Fc: "Jeez, what all this for?"
S: "I am a owner of a famous restaurant, and we were low on supplies, and I decided to buy some stuff for my chef's."
Fc: "Oh. Your the owner of that Fazbear's Pizza?"
S: "Yes I am."
Fc: "Oh nice. I saw the card name, so I had to ask."
S: "Okay."
Sky looked at his business phone, answered a message from Josh, and he looked up in time before this woman tried to steal his personal phone, Sky grabbed her hand.
S: "Ma'am, you better have a good explanation of why the fuck your bothering me and tryna steal my stuff."
She kept silent and try to kiss Sky again. He pulled back again.
S: "Again. I have a Girlfriend."
Sky paid for his stuff and walked back to his car, he opened the truck and put what he can in there, he put the rest in the back seat.
He closes the truck and doors. Locked it, went to put the cart away. And as he was walking back. The girl and a guy came over.
The Guy: "Ayo, you gotta problem boy?!"
Sky stopped in his tracks, turned completely unfazed.
S: "Wtf do you want?"
The Guy: "Answer the damn question, do you gotta problem?"
S: "Mate, I am a business man. I have a business to get to, if this is all your gonna do, is bother me, I will be on my way. And no, I don't have a problem."
The guy: "Then why were you touching this girl?!"
Sky face palmed himself, and he played a video from his glasses.
S: "This girl. First, tapped me on the shoulder, and the tried to kiss me, I told her, I have a girlfriend, I went to look down at my business phone, she tried stealing my personal phone, I grabbed her and asked why. She tried kissing me again. I told her again, I have a girlfriend, and then just walked of to here."
The guy: "My bad man."
S: "No it fine, like I said. I am a business man. I am tryna get to my business, and this is interrupting me from getting there."
The guy: "Ok, again. I'm sorry. My sister always is tryna do stuff like this."
S:  "It's ok, and hey, if you ever want to," gave the guy a business card. "come drop by my business. Anyway. I have to head out."
Sky got into his car and drove back to the restaurant, he had Josh help him by bringing the front side of the car where all the upstairs stuff is to bring am that up stairs, and Sky brought all the stuff for downstairs into the kitchen down stairs.
He also had some Soft drinks and other types of drinks.
Sky looked and saw that Freddy was just sitting down on stage, but he didn't bother it and went back to work answering email and comment and all that.
Tomorrow is a sad day.

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