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Nightmare put on a collar with a leash around my neck. It read 'Dream!Sans'.'why?' I thought. I looked at him in his eye when he pulled the leash, signalling for me to follow him. I did as told and headed to what looked to be a kitchen. My brother tugged my leash harshly and I sat on a chair next to him.


I went towards the fridge and got my sandwich out. I walked to the counter and sat next to Dream. I started eating my sandwich. While eating, I caught glimpses of Dream looking at my sandwich with slight hunger. I ate only a 1/4 of my sandwich and gave the rest to Dream. He didn't touch the sandwich. I was a bit confused before realisation hit me like a ton of bricks. He was waiting for my answer." Eat up. You need strength." I said, plainly. He did as told and ate the sandwich, what was left of it anyway. He ate slowly but I understand why. He was cautious about his surroundings. I was patient and calm so I waited for him to finish hi-errr my sandwich. I decided to see what he looked like in person because I never got a chance, I blame the fights. I took a glance of him. He looked pretty hot- no, what am I thinking! His discusting, discustingly handsome. I really should go to my throne room. Dream was done with the sandwich. I pulled the leash to say 'Get up, we're moving' he obeyed. I walked towards the throne room with Dream. I sat on my throne and pulled the leash. He stumbled a bit but managed to keep his balance and stood next to me. Horror came in and was surprised to see Dream standing next to me." Why is HE here, boss?" Horror asked while pointing a finger at Dream." I captured him." I said plainly. Horror left and I decided to go to my room.


Brother pulled the leash and I followed him towards a dark purple door. I assumed that this was his room. He opened the door and walked in while I followed. He sat on his bed and pulled the leash, harshly. I landed on his stomach. He was taller than me by 3-4 ft. He tied the leash on his bedside and went to sleep. I was still awake and thought of something.' How much can I keep this form up longer? The creators told me that this magic has a limit but never told me.' I thought. I decided to sleep. My brother's breathing and steady heartbeat lulled me to sleep, unaware of what the next morning would bring.


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