The truth

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I woke up the next morning to see that I was out of my special magic. I was really scared. I looked down at myself to see that I was naked. My bare bones showing with some injuries from the villagers that I tried to stop from hurting brother. I decided to get off my brother's stomach. His tar was cold and I was even shivering! I slid down his stomach and out of my large clothes. I was now vulnerable in this form. The only people who knew about my secret was Ink and Blue. I saw my brother beginning to wake up. I was doomed! I teleported my small clothes in my hand before getting dressed, rushingly. After that, I looked back at my brother. I walked backwards. Bad idea! I fell off the bed and I shut my eyes. Before I could hit the ground, something caught me. I opened my eyes to see brother looking at me. He was surprised and shocked to say the least. I was in his hands, weak and vulnerable." Dream, you have a lot of explaining to do." Brother said. I nodded my head." Explain!" He said, almost yelling." You see, when we were still young, I had growth issues. These issues made me as small as a mouse. Mother abandoned me and helped you grow but you always have played with me carefully. One night, the creators told me that I could use some of their magic to keep my secret safe. I took their offer. They warned me that it was limited but never said for how long. They never took your memories of me being small away but rather let you keep them." Brother was shocked at this point but I continued with the explanation." Mother thought that I was normal, just like you. I was aware that you were getting bullied, brother! I tried to stop them but they didn't listen and hurt me! I-I-I tr-tried brother!" I showed him the markings on my bones from the villagers that attacked me." I-I-I wa-," I broke down infront of him.


He tried to stop the bullying? And he hid this from me all along? I was so blind. They even hurt him!? I'm glad that I destroyed the village. I now know everything. I was so blinded by jealousy that I didn't notice that Dream was suffering. I wanted to calm him down, comfort him but I don't know how to comfort people. I pulled Dream close to my chest and cupped him in my hands. He grabbed my hoody and cried. I'm glad that he told because I was gonna find out sooner or later." Shhhh~~~~, everything is going to be alright. You're safe now. They can't harm you now. Shhhh~." I am really happy now. I can now talk to him after his episode.


Brother tried comforting me. I could tell that he didn't know how to but tried his best. I heard his steady heartbeat and his calm breathing. It calmed me down alot. I still hiccuped but I was okay. I'm glad that he knows now about the truth.


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