Feeling safe

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Dream was fast asleep in Nightmare's hands, after his little episode. Nightmare was glad that his brother was asleep because he had noticed bags under Dream's eyes. Nightmare began to think that his brother didn't get any sleep due to stress.


I was staring down at my little brother who was fast asleep in my hands. I was happy because I have noticed that he had bags under his eyes. I am beginning to think that it was about stress and lack of shut eye. He looked sooo... fragile, like if I let go then he would disappear in thin air. I just decided to put him in my pocket to keep him out of danger. I went to my throne room, waiting for the idiots to come and get their tasks.


I was in the dreamscape, enjoying the beauty of the scenery that I imagined in my head. It was only consisted of a few trees, flowers and an open field. I wanted to sleep but didn't bother doing so because I was stressed. I felt myself beginning to wake up for the first time in two week. I haven't slept for two weeks. It's actually rare for me to sleep, peacefully. I woke up to see that I was in a dark, gooey place. I instantly stood up and looked up.' Am I in brothers pocket?" I asked in my thoughts. I sat back down and it was cold but comfortable.


I felt Dream moving around in my pocket.' Most likely to be awake.' I thought. I saw Killer come in." What is it Killer?" I asked a bit annoyed." I just wanted to say that Error is back, boss." He said." You are dismissed." I said, slightly annoyed and angry. Killer did as told and walked out of the throne room. I sighed and waited for the last fifteen minutes to past by.


I felt brother stand up and walk. I heard doors opening and closing before I was grabbed and taken out of my safe haven. The hand opened and I was greeted by brother's face." How was your nap, Dream?" Brother asked while walking into his room and closing the doors with his tendrils." I slept fine. Why do you ask, brother?" I asked. I think he noticed the bags under my eyes." I noticed the bags under your eyes and I think that you could use a break." Brother said before going on his bed and sat me on his chest." Why?" I asked." Because I don't want to force you to sleep by me using sleeping magic that could probably hurt you." Brother said.' Was he worried about me?' I thought. I saw my brothers' arm ontop of me but gently before he fell asleep. A small nap wouldn't hurt, right? I closed my eyes and felt safe with my brother. I felt safe for the first time in 200 years.


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