Eaten to protect me?

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Warning: There is vore in this chapter. Skip to 'I felt my brother's...'


I woke up the next morning to see Dream under my arm, sleeping peacefully. He looked so calm when he slept. We don't need to eat since we were guardians. I had this feeling that I had to protect him. I ignored the feeling as I sat up, still holding Dream underneath my arm. I blushed at how cute he was when he slept. The feeling came back and I ignored it, again. I yawned as silently as possible so that he wouldn't wake up. It was a success. I was satisfied before a thought came to my head.' What if I ate him, to protect him? I can't digest living things anyway.' I shook the thought out of my head and looked down at Dream. He was waking up.


I woke up to see that I was still under my brother's arm. He was so gentle." Morning Dream." He greeted. I greeted back." Good morning brother. How did you sleep?" I asked." I slept well, thank you very much." He said." When we go back to sleep, can we play in the dreamscape? Please?" I asked." Fine but you owe me Ink's secrets." He said, smirking. My sockets widen. I decided and finally said," Okay, brother." He picked me up and put me in his pocket, to keep me warm or to protect me. I felt him move and stopped before teleporting to the throne room. I was used to this. He sat down and did his normal routine, I think.


I was stressed, stressed because I wanted to keep my brother safe and because my gang were being idiots. I went back to that thought I had earlier.' It might work but my aura might be too strong for him to handle. I could use a spell to help him from not getting effected by my aura, that way he would be safe.' I stood up and told Error to keep an eye on the idiots while I was gone. I heard soft snores and knew that Dream was asleep. I searched for the book and finally found it. I flipped through the page when I saw it.' Aura spells'. " This spell could be used to protect an aura of any sort. There are no side effects found from this spell. There is a reverse spell to undo this spell." It read. I reached in my pocket and accidentally woke up Dream." What are you doing, brother?" He asked with that adorable face." Just curious about this spell I found." I said. It wasn't a lie, I was really curious about this spell. I held my hand flat before I started saying the spell in my head and felt the spell work.

!Vore ahead!

I held Dream infront of my face." Brother, what are you doing?" He asked, a bit scared. I opened my mouth for him to get the hint before closing it. It seems he got the hint and looked scared." Y-you want t-to eat m-me?" He asked, starting to sweat. I nodded but saw him shiver." You can deny this and I'll figure out something else." I said, trying to comfort him. It worked and he thought about it." N-no it's f-fine." He said. I was surprised but it quickly faded away." Get in when you are ready." I said, opening my mouth to reveal my purple tongue and black tongue. He stood up and used my teeth to make sure he didn't get hurt before crawling in my mouth." I'm ready." He said. I closed my mouth and a soft 'clamp' was heard. I licked my brother to cover him in my saliva. His taste was amazing, he tasted like caramel and apples. Makes sense because we were born from an apple tree. I didn't play with him roughly but gently by using my other tongue to wrap around him and gently push him from my one cheek to the other. I got a bit bored and unwrapped my tongue from his fragile body.


Brother tilted his head back slightly so that I got near his throat. I slipped into his throat. I felt his boney finger trace my fragile form, following me towards his stomach. It was slimey, tight, slippery and warm. I plopped into his stomach and it was huge! There was purple acid which glowed but I knew that I was in no danger. I knew that brother and I couldn't digest living things so, I was safe.

! Vore end!

I felt my brother's hand push the stomach walls to comfort me, incase I was terrified. Truth is, I was but I put my gloved hand against his stomach wall where his hand was. I felt him stroke his stomach through the stomach walls and it was reassuring me that I was safe. I yawned slightly, my eyes getting droopy." Tired?" He asked." Yes." I answered, cuddling against his stomach wall." Go to sleep, you need it." He said. Those were the last words I heard before darkness consumed me.


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