Feelings and the truce

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<No one>

Nightmare did his normal routine as always. He got used to Dream being in his stomach and the movement he made in there. For some reason, Nightmare enjoyed having Dream in his stomach. Dream also enjoyed it even if it was to only protect him.


It has been five months and both guardians caught feelings for each other. They were too scared to tell the other how they felt. That was until today.


I loved my brother, not the brotherly way but more than that. I fell in love with him. Today was the day I confessed. It was Saturday anyway, our day off. I walked towards my private garden and teleported him out of his safe haven, my stomach." What's wrong, brother?" He asked me. We are not really brothers but we were very close to be considered brothers. I took a few deep breaths before I confessed." Dream, I have known you for more than 494 years," I started to sweat a little bit," but I wanted to ask you. Will you be my boyfriend?" I finally confessed my feelings. What he said next surprised me and made my very being melt at those words." I love you too, Nightmare. I love you more than a brother." He said and hugged my pointer finger.


He finally confessed to me. I was really happy with that. That meant that we made a truce.


<No one>

It has been two weeks since they made the truce. Nightmare and Dream got married and had dwarf children. Wondering how? They combined their magic to create two beautiful children, Shade and Shine. They all lived happily ever after.

The End

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