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I freeze when something moves in the bed. I open my eyes, startling awake. I feel him move closer and close my eyes. I feel his eyes on me for so long I'm sure he knows I'm awake.

My heart is beating, slowly getting quicker and then he moves away again.

I feel him leave the bed before he moves through the room, and then the shower turns on. I sit up. I was curled up on my side when I woke, and he hadn't been near me until right before he left the bed. I play it over.

Nothing happened. I didn't wake up screaming. We were good. I was okay.

That was a first.

He's in the bathroom, so I get up and get my clothes ready for the shower. I make myself a coffee and drink it, savoring it. I feel refreshed and less tired. Which makes me feel very strange and wary.

The shower shuts off and he comes out in a towel when a knock at the door sounds. Zack points to the corner, "Go."


"Keys, I don't want them to see you. Go."

"It's room service, probably seeing if we're gone so they can clean."

He puts his gun behind his back and goes to the door after giving me a long look. I turn to make another coffee as he answers it and I pour two cups. I jump slightly as hands rest on my shoulders, "Should we go down for breakfast?"

I shrug, "Sure. I've been hungry since I woke up."

He stiffens slightly, "How long ago was that?"

"When you got in the shower." Lie. "Coffee?"

He relaxes slightly, "You couldn't wait five minutes to have coffee with me?" He chuckles.

"What if you took twenty minute showers?"

"Five. Max. Unless someone joins me, Keys." He says in that tempting way he seems to have mastered. Not that I'm tempted.

"I don't want to hear about it." I turn and hand him a cup before going to the bathroom.

"Well, you wouldn't have to if you joined me."

I look at him, with his big smirk, "Ew. You're gross, remember? I shower with the intention of getting cleaner, you would defeat that purpose."

He laughs, "I have to admit, we wouldn't get much cleaning done."

I throw a pillow at him and he laughs.

When I get out of the bathroom ten minutes later he's laying on the bed relaxed again. I put his cup by the small sink and turn to find him staring at me, "Did I wake you? Sorry."

He has a weird look again, "Nope. Breakfast?"

He stands and we leave the room. He wraps an arm around my shoulders. I try not to still at the impact. "Does this bother you, too, Keys?"

For a lot of reasons, but not because of my mom. "It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

I nod. "Better to keep up appearances."

An old man walks out of a room down the hall and waves, "Morning, sir." Zack says.

"Morning, son. Young lady."

"Good morning." I say politely. I like him. He's one of those old men that was everybody's grandpa. A warm, friendly smile.

We all stop to wait for the elevator and the old man turns to us, "Have you been here before?"

"No, we haven't. Have you?"

The man gives a small chuckle, "Thirtieth time."

We walk out on the ground floor, "Must be good then, yes?" Zack asks.

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