Part 8/ Illusions Deceive

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Luz POV:

Ok. It's game time. I ran to the top of the road near the back parts of Bonesboroh( I hope I spelled that right). " Pssst. Gus!" I tried to silently scream into his window. Why does all of my friends have to have rooms on the 2nd story. " Yeah?" He responded. " You know it's 12pm right?" "Mhm. I gotta ask you about something."

He looked over both of his shoulders and left the window. He threw down a small ladder he made for me so I scaled the side of the house. " What is it?" He asked scratching his neck." " It's about illusions. Boscha said you'd know more than she did about this." " Well duh I'm an illusion track, but I'm guessing it's something monster related if you went to her first."

"Yeah, It's a petal thing that happened when one theif I chased vanished" "Illusion petals?" He asked as he scratched his chin. " Yeah. They disappeared after I touched them." I stated. " so you could touch them?" "Yep." " then they are probably byproducts of some illusion enhancer."

"English please?" I said confused. It's someone who is using illegal magic enhancing items to make their illusions stronger. " Then how did they use plant magic?" He pondered for a moment. " if they have magic enhancements on illusions it's untelling what other things they have."

"The reason I was concerned was because they took something important from that shop, some kinda connectors link." His eyes adjusted to mine. " How big was this connector?" " It took both arms to carry why?" He slightly sighed. " they are probably experimenting on making a chain reaction glyph."

" I thought only I could do that!" I said confused at his words. " Well if they are combining spells this can't be good. And especially if they are using connectors."

" Luz, your gonna have to find out what is going on as much as I hate to say it because I think you've caught the early stages of a disaster."

( Warning this next part may contain illusions flashbacks, and anxiety as well as abuse. Read with caution.)

Boscha's POV:

I was drifting off to sleep about to close my eyes. "N-No." what? I slightly open my eyes to see to my horror willow shaking violently with sweat pelting down her body. " N-No stop please!" She was sobbing and hyperventilating. I grab her by both of her shoulders without talking because I wasn't thinking and I tried to calm her.

"NO!" She screamed piercing my ears as I covered them. Sobs trailed from her estatic eyes darting around the room. I quickly let go of my ears and held her. " It was just a bad dream no one is here but us." I said pulling her onto my chest as she sobbed pools still shaking violently in my arms. " I-I'm sorry." She said attempting to catch her words in between breaths.

" Don't apologize for a nightmare." I held both of her hands in mine. They were extremely small but perfectly fit in the space of mine. I kissed her forehead as she looked into my eyes. Something is off. Her eyes were traced with light energy bursts of blue. Almost looking like electricity.

She glanced over my shoulder and her pupils shrunk focused on something I couldn't see. " GET AWAY FROM HER!" She screamed grabbing a pot from beside the bed stand and slinging it over my shoulder as it shattered on the wall.

" WILLOW! WHATS GOING ON WITH YOU?!" I said restraining her by her wrists as sweat and tears soaked her. I quickly moved my hands to her sides and caressed her in my arms. " Wil, nothing is here. Are you seeing someone?" She couldn't even talk from the air leaving her throat. She just sobbed and nodded.

" What do they look like?" I said caressing her cheek in my palm. "A-Apollo." She broke out sobbing more. I quickly glanced around the room looking for illusion traces. That moron really did screw her up. Shes not been herself in the last couple of days and I think I'm starting to figure out why.

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