Part 10: Hades and his Minions

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Luz POV:

I quickly taped up my with glyphs, just in case if anything else was coming. I had my jacket hood over my head with my beanie to provide refuge from the rain. I cast one of Roman's glyphs so my things won't burn. Luckily enough the pages in the journal are fire proof too. I glance over to Amity who had tied Apollo in abomination chains as we walked towards the road back to Willow's house. It was muddy and slick from all of the rain. The ash had made it smell like a burnt house though. Gus was holding what we found out was what we call 'cannon ball' aka Boscha's little form. She has small horns, her skin looks like plates of the earth, and she glows like fire. Not to mention she is incredibly durable and hot to the touch. He was holding her with some oven mitts Amity pulled from a void hole. We mainly stayed quiet keeping our mind to our own thoughts not really thinking to disrupt anyone else. But Amity broke the silence.

" We've walked a couple miles past the gate, they don't search this far for things in one night. Thanks for the illusion Gus." She said hoisting Apollo further over her shoulder to where his head was beside hers. " Oh~ how confrontational miss Blight~ are you sure you want this infront of your friends?~" She quickly picked up behind his arm and slung him over her shoulder onto the ground. It made a loud thud. " Luz you carry this jackass. I'm going to the front." She said glaring at him. I walked behind her and picked him up, the toss had knocked the air out of him. She crossed her arms in the front and the back of her shirt was getting torn in the back from the rain and most likely him attempting to break free. Her ears twitched with each drop of rain that hit her. I sped up a bit to meet beside her. I put Apollo in a floating cage above me bound to my wrist, so I would know if he tried anything stupid.

" That was some serious bad ass fighting back there." I said nudging her in the shoulder. She looked over a bit and back towards the mud with a bit of red on her cheeks. " It's whatever, my parents paid for self defense classes. Plus some of it I taught myself." " Was that a bit of a blush miss Blight?" I said raising my eyebrows and cocking one just to get on her nerves more. " piss off." She growled elbowing me in the stomach with a smirk. " I would love to watch you two flirt more or attempt to do so, but I would love some room service up here?" Apollo said sarcastically as we both blushed a bit but we both turned too quick for the other to see. Amity grabbed the chain floating under the cage and yanked it. Making him snack his head against the roof of it. " Happy to be of service~" mocking him in tone. I snorted a bit at it as much as I hate to say it. Actually no it was funny.

I looked back over to her as the rain still bugged her ears and skin. " You forget to bring a jacket?" I asked towards her. " No, asshole in the cage tore mine." She said rolling her eyes a bit. I took off my jacket letting it pass through the chain but he still couldn't get loose and I wrapped it over her shoulders. Her eyes widened and she looked up at me. " That's called human compassion." On top of me winking. " Also put the hood up and your ears won't burn." She lifted her hands to move the hood up and over her mint burnt hair. Her pupils were dilated. " T-Thanks human." That was her pathetic attempt to be mean to me. " Of course, Bonita~" " What does that mean?" " Don't worry about it."

Gus was enjoying playing with his keys with Boscha. She made small cooing sounds as she reached for them numerous times and was obviously having fun from the amount of giggling we heard. She doesn't remember anything at all just like a baby in this form. All she knows how to do is to sleep and eat whatever she can fit in her mouth. Even if it's too big to fit, she tried eating a stone back there.. As we approached up the road further we saw a figure in the mud. I bounded the chain to back of Boscha and she just kept bouncing him around. Me and Amity ran up to them. " Hey are you ok?" I asked them only for them to roll over at my touch with tears in one eye and half of their face horribly burnt on the other. Her eye was melted shut on that side. She smelled like burning flesh. I gagged and backed away. " SKARA!" Amity screamed immediately dropping to both knees to hold the girl's head. It seems she knew her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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