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i just got some fries and a coke cause I'm not that hungry.

*time skip to Friday*

today's the day that I'm gonna meet Payton's parents and I'm absolutely terrified. i take a bath and put on this:

i absolutely love today's outfit, I just pack some clothes for tomorrow and my PJ and some things like that

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i absolutely love today's outfit, I just pack some clothes for tomorrow and my PJ and some things like that.

i skipped school today cause my dad told me I deserved a day off so I have just been chilling with Jughead and Jaden. 

it's currently 4 PM and my dad will be home in 10 minutes and then we are heading off to Payton's house. since I woke up this morning my anxiety has been going crazy. I'm so scared to meet his parents, what if they don't like me? Elle stop yourself its gonna be just fine...

yup that's how my whole day has been today, I've also been shaking a lot more than I usually do so that's just amazing, Jaden has been trying his best to calm me down but it didn't work. we have been watching several movies throughout the day and we have been eating a lot of food "do i look good in this?" I ask as I walk down the stairs "you look amazing" Jaden says "I'm so scared" i say "it's gonna be fine Elle, don't worry" Jaden says.

 "Hey Princess, you're ready?" I hear my dads voice as he walks in "yeah, I think I'm ready" i say "she has been so anxious today man" Jaden whispers to Bryce "I know, I just hope Payton can help her calm down" Bryce says "come on, let's get in the car" Bryce says

we are about 5 minutes away from Payton's house and I can't stop my hands and feet from shaking. "hey Princess, its gonna be okay" Bryce says and take my hands in his. "sorry, I'm just so nervous" i say "I know, but I met Payton's mother once and she's really sweet" Bryce says "I know" i say, I keep shaking unstoppable and I just can't make it stop "okay, we are here, good luck Elle" Bryce says and hug me "thanks" i say and walk out.

i take a few deep breaths before I knock on the door, a tall man with wide shoulders and strong arms open "hi, you must be Elle" he says and stroke his hand for me to shake, of course, I shake his hand and WOW, dudes got some strong hands. he invites me inside and i see two girls sitting on a couch "Elle, this is Faith and Hailey" Mr. Moormeier says "hi" i say and wave "is that the Girl Payton talks about all the time?" the small girl asks "yes, that's Elle, shes Payton's Girlfriend" the big girl says "hi, you're Faith right?" i ask "yeah that's me" she says and get up to give me a hug, "payton told me about you, but he never told me about Hailey" i say "oh, that's because she moved with my mom so we don't see her that often" Faith says "oh, can i have a hug" i ask the little girl and she runs over and hugs my leg "Paytons room is down that hall, his name is on the door" Mr. Moormeier says and point "thanks" i say and walk down the small hall.

(New Character)

Hailey Moormeier


Payton's little sister

Payton's little sister

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Faith Moormeier


Payton's Bigger sister

i slowly open the door and I see Payton sitting at his desk working on something

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i slowly open the door and I see Payton sitting at his desk working on something.

i think it's some music cause he's wearing headphones, I can see from back here that he's shirtless and only in sweatpants, I slowly walk up behind him and kiss his cheek, first he flinch but then he turns around and sees me "omg Elle, I thought it was my mom" he says and approaches me in a hug.

i see 7 empty BANG energy drink canes on his table "have you been drinking all of these today?" I ask "yeah, it's hard to stay awake when you're working on music" Payton says and giggle. he slowly takes my shaking hands in his "sorry, I'm just really scared your parents don't like me" i say "they're gonna love you Elle" Payton says "Promise?" I ask "I promise babe" Payton says and kisses the tip of my nose.

i sit in Payton's lab while he heeps working on the music and I just sit on social media when I decide to go live

"hey guys and welcome to the live, rn I'm at Paytons house and Payts working on some secrets" i say as people start joining, I notice Andrew, Chris, Jentzen, Lev and Lilli joins "hi cheetos" i say and invite them all to be a part of the live.

they all join and answer the questions so I can focus on Payton and his music "can i hear?" I ask "sure" he says and give me his headphones

you said you love me and no one else

yeah so its a love letter to myself

yeah I don't even know myself

trynna help me but I don't need help

"first off you have an amazing voice babe but what is this about?" I ask "its about my ex" Payton says but his voice cracks "Payt whats wrong?" I ask "she used me" he says and a tear falls down his cheek "oh Payton please don't" i say and dry it away "I'm sorry Elle, I have to go" he says and get up "payton wait" i say and he turns around "I can help you" i say and run over to hug him, Paytons like 5,11 and I'm like 5,3 so he has his head laying ontop of my head and I have my face at his chest "I love you so much" he says "I still love you more than most" i say and he laugh "fine for me" he says "well then" i say and break the hug "you have saved me, you know that" Payton says "really?" I ask "yeah" Payt says and smile "nobody has ever told me that before" i say "well now you know" Payton says and kiss my hair


heyyyy peepsssss

sorry for the inactivity lately but I hope you enjoy this chapter

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