Chapter 49: The General

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Oh yeah, where were we?


Tommy held on tight to Techno’s waist as they gained speed, falling down the opposite side that they had entered. At least his last moments would be looking upon the shining lands of Manburg, if only he could appreciate it rather than looking at the ground and screaming in terror as it rushed up at him. 

With a jolt they stopped falling, well, at least at the speed that causes Tommy to tear up. He heard the horrible grinding noise of nails on a chalkboard and the giant lurch that made him almost let go, and Tommy looked up to see Technoblade slowing their descent by embedding and dragging his knife down the side of the tower. 

Oh, that must’ve hurt like a bitch, Techno holding them together while holding one arm onto the knife. Tommy for sure would’ve dislocated his shoulder. But Techno hadn’t let go yet, and didn’t let go until they were close enough to the ground. Tommy was dropped, and he fell and rolled onto the grass as Techno gracefully landed beside him.

Grass. Green grass. L’Manburg grass. 

Tommy shot up, staring in wonder at the land he’d just fallen on. Before this, it was all just entering. They had entered on Eret’s tower on the other side, they had fought the battle right on the outskirts of Manburg. Sure, the battle was still going on, and sure, troops moved about, but all the fighting was behind them. They had made it past the enemy lines.

Tommy looked over the houses, the stage, the podium, and everything that they had built and not built, and couldn’t help but tear up a little. Chaotic as it was, the sounds of people running and leaving their homes, the sounds of skirmishes and soldiers oppressing the people, the sounds of protest.

“You okay, Tommy?” Techno asked, touching his shoulder as the kid didn’t move. 

“Yeah. Just… this is what we are fighting for, Techno.” Tommy breathlessly said, before shaking himself from the haze. “But yeah. Let’s keep moving. Let’s get Schlatt.”

Techno quizzically looked down at him, before shrugging it off. “Alright. I think he went this way. Try to keep up.” Techno started to run down straight to the heart of Manburg, down the hill, and to the big opening right in front of the stage. There weren't a lot of people there, and the people who were there were running away and not towards them. Tommy was quick to follow, keeping up with the billowing red cape in front of him. 

Tommy looked to his left. The blackstone podium was mocking him, rising above him as he sprinted behind Techno. So many things had happened there. It held so much weight, so much significance, and running right across it’s front lawn, he felt small and insignificant. But that wasn’t what made Tommy scream Technoblade’s name. 

It was the man who stood in front of the podium, hiding in the shadow, a white bandana wrapped around his forehead. 

“TECHNO!” Tommy just got the attention of his older brother as the man on the stage moved, a flash of red flames erupting as he spread his arms out. 

And for the third time that day, Tommy was tackled by Techno. 

A pure fiery storm of flames washed over them, but with both Techno’s and Tommy’s armor combined, it gave them enough protection for Techno to only feel an uncomfortable slight burning on the back of his neck and the ends of his hair slightly singed. The waves of light crashed over them as they squinted their eyes closed, the heat not tearing them apart but slightly warm like a blanket on a hot day. 

As soon as it started, it was over, and Techno looked over at Sapnap who stood up right, chin raised definitely and wings made of bone and thin skin erupting from his back. His eyes glowed orange and smoke came from the corners of his mouth, trailing up and above the horns on his head that matched the tail and skeleton spinal cord that now donned on the man’s back. 

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