Chapter 34: Coming Home

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Techno camped outside the Dreamlands and Pogtopia, counting down the last hours of his second week of doing reconnaissance work alone on the competition. On the new soldiers that came in. On Schlatt. And on Dream. Really, it was the only thing he could do, other than store supplies, seeing how Tommy would try to murder him if he even got within a mile radius of Pogtopia. Sighing, he leaned back on his sleeping bag he had stolen, writing more notes in his journal. It was something he had learned from Philza. Even if you thought you would remember it, write it down. Record it. Always be recording. You never know when you were going to forget, or what specific thing you would want to remember, or who might need the information later when re-reading his work. So he wrote down what he had found out.

In the beginning of the notebook he had filled it with notes of the statues, of the old ice gods that had infiltrated his brain, who had split open his skull and filled him with ice magic. In the frozen castle he was stuck at there were many resources, old ancient books and scrolls that he had copied down and even tore out and put a few in his own book. Well, he said book, but it was becoming more and more like a tome. It was huge, the book magically enchanted to be waterproof, fireproof, and to not weigh as much as it should. It had spells and descriptions of rituals and artifacts scrawled into every open space, and he found himself constantly having to unbind it and add pages, then rebind it with more blank space. It was practically becoming a second gen spell book. His dad had preferred to have many different books, but as Techno was going through his stuff he had left behind when he died he noticed how inconvenient and out of chronological order it was. Or maybe that was because Tommy was the only one after Dad's death who had the emotional stability to try to even look through his stuff let alone pack it up. It had been a week after they held the funeral, Wilbur wouldn't leave his room, Tubbo was a wreck, Tommy was trying to keep trucking on and helping them all out, and Techno was just trying to make sure that Wilbur ate each day. Trying to help out and remove any triggers from the house, Tommy had taken down all of Phil's stuff and shoved it in his office. Despite his good intentions, it became a huge headache for Techno later when he decided to look through the books. To say the least Techno knew for a fact that Tommy not only was too distraught to try to pack things up nicely, but also was just shit at organizing and kind of lazy. Either way, it was a hassle. So instead, he learned from the hours of frustration of trying to put the books together like a puzzle that he instead kept one singular book that was filled with his neat tiny handwriting describing all his findings, all his trips, all the magic he had encountered in a nice neat order. It was better that way then the sprawling mess of chronicle after chronicle of their dad's that he had gone through in his spare time.

In the middle of the book was more things based on what he had noticed on his trip back to his family, not back to his childhood home but now Pogtopia where they had asked for his help. He recorded analysis on every important person he had ever run into, keeping track of their relationships, their habits, their magic, their strengths, their weaknesses. He had profilings on everybody, from Wilbur to Tommy to George and Eret and Dream. Even the more docile people like Niki and Fundy that still had a roll on his allies' relations. And most importantly; a profile on Techno himself.

Near the end of the book, to his dismay for now he was going to have to unbind and rebind for new pages, was his most recent stuff. The things he was writing now.

Strategies. Plans. Maps. Attack formations. Ways to win the war.

Of course he had coded plans such as JFK in there, assassination plans, plans to poison the current President of L'Manburg, ways to kill him slowly and painfully. He had ways to bring it down in a day, taking into consideration every single person's abilities and making different plans that played off of what everybody could do. He had an air attack, one designed for Quackity as soon as he found out that he had joined their side, but that idea was out of the question until Quackity was actually in fighting shape. He had plans for Tommy, Tommy naturally being a good fighter such as Techno himself but terrible with his magic, who would be swept out by somebody like Dream. He had attack plans for Wilbur and Tubbo, who both liked to attack quickly and sneakily, both avoiding heavy fighters and instead going for more mobility and dexterity. He had plans for himself, setting himself up next to water so he could use his magic to its full potential, the magic that he was practicing so hard to control despite the way he was unable to handle it without the frozen leech in his head making sure he didn't die. Ugh, it was such a pain. The gods really weren't lying when they said that he would need it. But Techno wasn't no bitch. He would put up with the freezing frostbite he got when he pulled on his power too hard. He just was...

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