Chapter 7: The Last Day

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Technoblade sat at the beacon.

Today was the full moon, the day that Dad's power was the strongest, the day that dad could call home. Techno had woken up at 6am, made food for the entire day, and had went out and camped on the beacon. He would not miss dad's call.

Because if he missed this call, then Techno couldn't hold onto hope anymore.

Philza had gone on another expedition, leaving the boys at home. Techno was hoping that he would have taken him like he had last time, but this time Philza said he needed to stay home. He was devastated, but was also smart enough to know that bringing a 16 yr old isn't the safest for all situations. So instead, he was content to stay home and practice his sparring.

Wilbur wasn't that interested in sparring, but Tommy was. Except, whenever he fought Techno, it wasn't much of a fight. Sure, every once in a while Tommy would get in a good hit, but it was clear who was superior. Which was okay. There was a 7 year age gap between the two.

But there was only so many times you can spar and win easily before you grow bored.

Techno didn't feel like practicing right now. He needed the practice, his balance being shot after he had developed what Philza affectionately called his satyr legs. He thought they were a bit cool, but was kind of sad when Wilbur didn't follow suit. Lately, Techno had been trying to establish his identity to be different from Wilbur's, such as piercing his now droopy fae like ears and changing his hair to the color pink, but when this big of a change happened, he felt like his wish was granted a little too well. He felt almost like a freak. Nobody else in the village had ever seen a transformation like his, and it being a sort of small village it wasn't long until he felt like everyone was watching him. Also, his vision had improved drastically. He didn't need to wear his glasses anymore. However, Wilbur had picked up wearing glasses. Techno had wanted his own identity, but he thinks maybe this was going too far too fast. He didn't want to lose Wilbur.

It also sucked not being able to walk normally anymore. Dad had said that he had to get used to walking again once his wings had developed. Said it messed up his balance, much like how Technoblade's satyr legs was messing up his. But Technoblade was especially salty about the timing of this new development; he was just getting really good at sparring. This setback came and knocked him off his podium right when he had started getting confident. Now, it took all his focus just to walk across the room. But Dad said that as soon as his body adjusted, he would be back to where he was, if not better, in no time.

Techno blade sighed, looking off into the distance. Dad was only supposed to be gone for two weeks. At this point, it had been two months. Abigail was taking care of them, but it was more like she just checked up on them every once in a while. Tommy and Tubbo were both feral kids, gone outside by the time the sun went up and not home until it set again. And Techno and Wilbur were both old enough to take care of themselves. Plus, Techno was a pretty good cook, so Abigail didn't even have to worry about meals. But she still stopped in anyways, always a tight, forced smile on her face. As if to say, you poor boys.

Techno was getting a bit anxious. The first time Dad had forgotten to call during the full moon was at the very beginning of his trip, and that was understandable. But after all the time that had passed, and no call home, if he didn't call this full moon Techno could see himself assuming the worst. Techno wasn't a glass half full type of kid. He could already feel the dark thoughts clouding around him. He's dead. Something got him. He's never coming back-

He was pulled from his thoughts as he heard Wilbur sneaking up behind him. Turning his head to see Wilbur, he saw him peeking out from behind one of the forest trees that surrounded the village. He was wearing a yellow jumper and a red beanie, holding the guitar he had gotten as a present from the village.

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