Chapter 22: Visions

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The town had been nice enough. It was a small one, a sleepy town with only one bar, one inn, one market. Basically one of everything.

But there was something very special here.

Well, somebody special.

Wilbur watched as his dad checked Allegro in at the stable. Wilbur ached from the long trip, he realized that he was prone to getting saddle sore. Unlike Technoblade, who looked like he could ride for another week. Wilbur was jealous. He liked the idea of horses, liked the beasts themselves, but as soon as he got on one, that was enough for him.

Philza had walked them through the town, the small street basically vacant from all traffic except old couples who sat out on their porches and children who ran by, screaming as they played in the leaves in their backyards. Wilbur watched them, thinking back to Tommy and Toby who were at home who were in the care of Abigale.

Wonder how they're doing.

All the houses looked practically the same, all cute wood cottages perfect for the turn of the season. It looked like something straight out of one of the paintings their mom had done on their home walls. The ones that Wilbur had asked her about. One of his cherished memories of her.

It was quite a while back, and the memory was a bit foggy, but from what he could remember, his mother was leaning over on the floor, twisting her body in the most peculiar way trying to reach a spot to paint while avoiding all the wet paint on the floor. The painting she was drawing was spilling off from the walls, cascading onto the floor like no bounds could hold her masterpiece. She was painting a huge mural in the dining room, her scene of wild Autumn animals and red majestic trees threatening to continue into the connecting kitchen.

Wilbur laughed at her as she struggled, watching her blowing her fluffy hair out of her face that had fallen from the confines of her bandana.

"Ayeeeee," She looked up at Wilbur, sharp teeth visible in her genuine smile. "Watcha laughing at?!"

Wilbur giggled, ducking behind the kitchen counter.

"Nothing! Nothing!"

"Aye, it better be nothing or I'll get your butt over here and smear your face with this paint!" She laughed, pointing her wet paintbrush at him threateningly. Wilbur peaked from behind the counter, before ducking back under it again. He tried not to giggle, thinking he was slick at hiding.

When his mom didn't run at him trying to get paint across his nose, he jumped up on the kitchen counter and sat with his feet hanging over the edge. "What is that?"

"It is," She huffed, sitting back up in a normal position, "It is a place that me and your dad went." She looked around the room, analyzing her work. "Like the rest of them. All of these places I've actually been."

Wilbur gasped in awe, thinking of the hundreds of different paintings his mother had done.

"I'm really lucky to have your dad, he's such a helpless romantic." She smiled, her cheeks getting a bit red. "He likes to take me on our trips. Likes to show all his favorite places for adventures." She watched Wilbur, staring up at the ceiling, looking at the cloud scape she had painted.

"You went up in the clouds?!" He gasped.

"Yes I did! And he would take you too if I hadn't forbidden it."

"What?! Why?!" Wilbur was so surprised to think that his dad could actually do that.

She tucked more fluffy hair behind her ear. "Because I'm scared he would drop you."

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