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Amanda wake up someone demanded. uggghhh! I moaned i barley had gotten enough sleep because my pack had to bumbard me with chores. Amanda i heard someone say again before they took me by my hair and swung me towords my wall. When i looked up it was my brother who had slung me towards the wall. I started to whimper because i was so afraid that he would punch me. Amannda tyler said i want you to make this whole pack breakfast and make everthing spotless and if i see even a smudge of dirt i will not let u eat and it's not like i should let you eat anyways because your fat. I had my head slung down listening to everything he said about me. But with that tyler left the small room i had. I wanted to slam the door on my hands so i woudnt be able to clean today but the pack said im not privledged enough to even have a door. So the first thing i did was take a shower with a hose because neither was i worthy enough to have a shower or a tub to bathe in. I had taken a 2 minute shower necause i was so hungry i barley had eaten anything for a week so i could get skinner but i guess that didnt do much hense my brothers comment. So i put on my rags and hurried out the door towards the kitchen to get started on breakfast there was about 600 members in the pack so i had to quickly make food before school started or else everyone would be late and theyed all blam me and punish me i didnt want that to happen so i cookes fast. By the time everyone got down it was about 8:30 so they had about an hour before school. The alpha came down with his slut bad of a girl friend lea. When i was making my way towards my room she pushed me down and sneared amanda what are you still doing here you ugly slut. I scoffed at her saying so im the slut says the walking HIV virus. Everyone gasped at what i said because they know what would happen if the alpha heard what they were saying to his girl friend. A ground shaking growl erupted from the alpha i wimpered because i was so scared of him.Then he slapped me so hard across my face that i got whipp lash it hurt so bad then he yelled in my ear amanda! get your butt upstairs and out of my face and dont come out until it's time to go to school u nasty heffer. With that i ran up the stairs and landed on my bed balling my eyes out and when i heard all of the pack laphing at me i covered my head with my thin blanket so i could try to block them out.

About 30 minutes later i felt my blankets being ripped out of my grasped and some yelling in my ear telling me to get my fat butt up because it was time to go to school. Also that person told me to walk to school because the alpha said that i wasnt allowed to get on the bus because of what i said to lea. So with that they left my room.

After i left the pack house it took me about 25 minutes to walk the 4 miles to school and when i was passing my pack i was easedropping so i heard that the alpha was looking for his mate because today was his 18th birthday and he was trying to find his mate. When i heard that i started smelling a delicious smell so i was smelling everywhere trying to figure out were that smell was coming from so when i looked it was none other than the alpha and when he saw me i said mate and everyone looked at me. Then everyone was saying that oh wow! How can that ugly girl be his mate she must be lying then the alpha laphed histarically and said wow how tyler tell your sisster to quit lying and to get a life because she is not my mate, hearing my mate say that isinagrated my heart into nothing. With that the bell rang and everyone rushed inside but my brother stayed behind to give me a scowel on his face then he turned around and rushed into school.

And after that i ran all the way to the pack house and packed all my things and ran out the house then i shifted into my wolf and took my valubales into my mouth and ran after about a quarter mile i looked back at the pack house and howled. And in my mind i promised my self that i would never come back to this hell whole.

Soooo what do u guys think so far good or what fan me if u havent already add me vote comment tell your friends about my story.

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