chapter 2

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It's been 2 years , 2 years of solitude, 2 years of being alone.But it was 2 years of not caring what people think, 2 years of feeling free 2 years of being me. I thought that i would never feel this way but i guess getying away from a horrible past does those things to you. I never regret what i did.fleeing from my pack was the best option even if it left me with nothing at least i still had my dignity.

I've been a rough for 2 years now i try to get on the knight packs property because they have the best food because im almost starving myself to death. I'm was a smart kid in my old pack so i was smart enouph to out smart people in the knight pack but i guess that today was'nt my day because i was feeling awful because i was guessing i had dehydration because i could barrley stand up strait. But all of a sudden i was eating a lot of food then i heard a crunch of leaves behind me with that i started to run/ wabble off but i was too dehydrated to do either but i was telling my wolf that we'd almost be there that we could get past the border but my eyes kept drooping and my legs were slowing down i knew i was going to calapse but i kept willing my wolf to push because i knew if we did'nt that we would be killed.

Bryan's pov.

Alpha,alpha,alpha! Someone yelled when i looked it was my betta Adam.What it is it i roared! I roared because i hate when people disturb my sleep. And when i looked at my clock it was 3:00 in the morning oh no they just did'nt wake me up this early. So hurlling the blanket's off of me i ripped open my door and when i say ripped. i mean ripped like taking the door off it's hinges and throwing it down the hall. Alpha my betta said again and i said this better be good because if not ill kick your butt Adam and then go right back to sleep.but then Adam said that he found the rough that has been fleeing and coming from our pack lines.So i said what are you waiting for let's go catch the rough.

so with that me and Adam took off our closes because if we did'nt then our clothes would be destroyed. So then after we got out of our close we started to try to to find the rough so when we were close enougph to the rough we stopped so we could get her by the element of suprise. But i guess that she heard us because her ears perked up and she turned around and saw us. And when she saw us she started to run. So through the pack mind link i messaged our warriors to come in for back up but it did'nt look like she was that fast so i basikly jogged to catch up to her but when i was about 3 yards away from her she started to roll head first into the ground.

Amanda's pov.

I rolled head fist into an oak tree it hurt so bad i felt excrushating pain in my side and when i looked down i saw that i had blood ozzing out of my side i yelped in pain. But the alpha of the knight pack showed me no mercy because since he saw i was in so much pain he we'nt behind a tree and shifted then put his close on. Then when the alpha of the pack i was tresspassing in came back he just had short's on so i was looking at his hard rock visble ab's,ab's that i thought would be so awesome to......... oh my god amanda i scolded myself your looking at an alpha's chest right now instead of pleading for your life what the heck!!!!!! But then when i stopped scolding my self i heard the alpha start saying that he wanted me to shift. But i was so nervouse because i did'nt want the alpha to see me in my ugly human form not that i looked good right now.

Bryan's pov.

I wanted her to shift not because i wanted to find out why she was tresspasing in our land but because i saw that she was really sick. So i told her with authority in my voice shift but her wolf was shaking her head no.I was guessing she was really shy about her body so i took my shirt from a secret hiding place in a tree trunk by my side.So after i got her my shirt i krept very slowly towards her and gave it to her that seemed to sooth her so then i turned away to give her privacy to put the shirt. So after i sensed that she put the shirt on i looked back and i saw that my shirt had fell past her butt. Then i looked at her face and i asked her why was she tresspassing on our property. But when she was about to open her mouth she started wobbling so i ran towards her and i caught her in my arms so with that i ran towards the pack house and mind linked the pack doctor to run to my room to help because a girl just fainted.

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