Chapter 53/Puppet Master

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¿Te Quieres Casar Conmigo?- MC Davo

Caroline POV

"Get out."

"We are going to give you two some space." I heard Elijah say and felt everyone back away into the other room including Klaus.

"I beg your pardo-"

"I said get out Pierre." I said raising my voice. I can't even stand the sight of him. How he said that he stole me away the second he knew my baby existed. What kind of psychopath does that? "How can you live with yourself?" I asked him in disgust.

"How can you?" He spit back.

"What?" I said in utter shock.

"You manipulated me. You told me you wanted to love me as a human and I did as you said. You knew I loved you."

"You never loved me!" I shouted at him. "I never loved you! I manipulated you?! Pierre you have done everything from the second I have met you to make me have feelings that aren't real. Feelings about you that aren't real, feelings about Klaus that aren't real, and feelings about myself that are not real. I am a good partner to Klaus, a good friend, and I will be a good mother. You cannot control what I think or feel about anything or anyone ever again." I stared at Pierre waiting for an answer or better, to just watch him leave the house and hopefully Mystic Falls forever. Pierre furrowed his eyebrows at me as I could tell he was reading my emotions. I didn't care to cover them up. Read them all you wait Pierre.

"I thought I loved you." He spoke quietly. "Isn't that what love is? To do anything to be with them?" I looked at Pierre confused.

Is he seriously asking me?

"I wanted to be with you Caroline. Forever. And when you said you wanted to be human I believe you because I wanted to."

"Pierre how could you?"

"I guess I was just so blind with my love for you I couldn't read your emotions anymore I just saw what I wanted." Pierre looked away. "But now," Pierre looked at me, "I can see clearly. You don't want me here and hate me."

"Pierre you are confused. Love is not doing whatever it takes to be with them. It is holding back. Having the strength to wait, to forgive, and to know that even through all the love you think you feel it is never as real as it will be till you find the one who truly loves you. The one that lets you feel what you want and doesn't get mad at those feelings. Let's you make your own choices. A, love is not about control it is about giving yourself to that person. Whether it is your heart or your are giving a part of yourself to that person and Pierre, you can't give someone a part of you if you are constantly holding onto their puppet strings." Pierre blinked at me.

"Will I ever find love?"

"I can't promise that Pierre. It is up to the Fairy King to decide. Is he willing to stop being a puppet master and find what he has being trying to force?" Pierre thought for a moment then stepped closer to me.



"Thank you." Before I could react Pierre held my face gently pulled me in closer and pressed his lips onto my forehead.

Klaus POV

I wasn't going to leave them alone this long, that's enough time. I barged back into the entryway and noticed Caroline standing by herself.


"Yes." Caroline turned around glowing.

"What has happened? Did he leave?" I asked her trying to figure out what happened while I was in the other room.

"Pierre won't be back." Is all she said.

"Very vague my love, but that is enough for me." I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her as she nestled her head into my chest.

"I wonder if Claire could figure out the gender right now too?" I whispered into her hair.

"I've had enough of the Williams family for today Niklaus. Let's go take a nap." I pulled Klaus towards the marble stairs.

"Of course, but on one condition."

"What's that Klaus?" She began to turn around.

"I will do as you say, but you have to become my wife first." I was on one knee once Caroline turned around and once she realized what was about to happen I pulled the ring out of my pocket. It didn't come in a scarlett velvet box or a black velvet box. This one was free from any box. It was a simple oval shaped diamond almost the size of an average thumb. I looked up at Caroline as her eyes were not even on the ring at all she only looked at me tears in her eyes. "Caroline Forbes, will you marry me?" She stood there her mouth open, but she still hasn't said anything.

I think she also realized nothing was coming out either so she abruptly started nodding then stubbled out a, "Yes. Yes. Yes Klaus. Yes I will marry you Niklaus." I put the ring on her finger quickly then kissed her and hugged her tightly. Once she pulled back to finally look at the ring she stared at the size.

"Klaus how much was this?"

"I bought the diamond by itself then had jeweler cut it into a shape that I thought you would like then picked a band to put it on."

"Wait wait wait wait." Caroline held up her hand. "When did you do this all?" She asked me.

"The day you told me you loved me." I told her truthfully. The second Caroline was safe in her home when we got back from Pairs. I called the bank where I had kept the diamond for centuries. She is the only one who deserves to wear the most expensive item I own. "What kind of wedding would you like love?"

"Klaus we just got engaged I need a moment." She laughed at me.

"Of course my Fiancé."



2:33 A.M on a Friday I am early!




Don't forget to...





Love you all my beautifuls!


Nellie Raye

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