Chapter 54/Fireworks?

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Bon Bon Chocolat- Everglow

Caroline POV

As soon as Claire found out we were engaged she took over the entire planning. It was out of my control. I love to be in control. I have planned every school shindig since my freshman year. However, being pregnant is a whole other story. I am exhausted all the time. My feet hurt constantly and let me tell you this morning sickness is the worst. It should have stopped by now, but it could be a side effect of Klaus being half vampire.

Klaus...He is like serial killer hybrid on steroids and cocaine. He will never leave my side. He will not let anyone get too close to me or he will snap their neck. One time I was in the park and a sophomore dropped their ball and I picked it up and went to hand it to him Klaus took the ball out of my hand and stood in front of me giving it to him. I punched him in the back as I couldn't believe he wouldn't even let me hand a ball to a teenage kid.

"Claire I don't want a big wedding I told you. The reception can be big but the ceremony needs to be intimate." I groaned. I was sitting in the lounge on a big sofa leaning on Klaus as he slowly brushed my hair with his fingers.

"Okay, okay..., but how about fireworks after?" Claire suggested


"Big sparks that come out of the ground?"


"What about-"

"What about Paris?" Klaus cut Claire off.

"Pairs?" I asked confused and looked towards him.

"Yeah. The first place you told me you loved me." He said staring into my eyes.

"That would be fabulous!" Claire squealed.

"Lets do it at the top of the Eiffel Tower." I told Klaus as Claire listened.

"Alright." Klaus kissed my forehead. "Claire reserve the Eiffel Tower for July sixth." I rolled my eyes being remind once again how ridiculously rich he is. Claire nodded and left the room with Chanel heels clicking against the floor and her phone connected to her ear.

"I'm happy." I said randomly.

"You are?" Klaus asked.

"Is there a reason I shouldn't?" I questioned turning to look at him.

"I don't want to over step love...,but don't you miss your friends. I'm every reason they are gone."

"That's not true Niklaus." I move to where I am laying against the cushion on the couch instead of leaning on him.

"Well as soon as we started dating they all left. I don't think it's a coincidence love." He raised an eyebrow at me. I only looked at my tummy and placed a hand on it. "It is my fault." I don't move my eyes away from my stomach. "I know it is my fault Caroline. I don't want you to be anything, but entirely happy on your wedding day." Klaus put his hand on top of mine.

"I can't Klaus. I can't apologize for loving you. Is that something you have to do apologize for loving someone?" I asked as a rhetorical question, but also a hint of seriousness.

"You don't have to apologize for anything Caroline. I do." Klaus stated. He leaned down kisses my tummy then started to walk out of the room.

"Klaus." I said his name before he could leave. He turned around and looked at me waiting to continue. "I...I love you." I said sadly.

"Love...," he steps back over to me,"what's on your mind?"

"I feel like you are only doing this because you feel like you need to...because you want to do it for me."

Klaus POV

"Of course love. For you."

"No..see Klaus-that's what I mean." I look at her confused.

"I want you to do it for you. I want you to do it because you really want to do it. You want forgiveness. I want you to do it because you want to do the right thing." She wouldn't make eye contact with me and I chuckled at her. "What?" She looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Caroline, my love. I wouldn't do this unless it was for you. I know you want me to do it for me, but Caroline I never cared about anything like this until I met your existence." I touched her chin lightly. "Or for their existence either." I glanced down at her stomach.

I rushed out of the room before Caroline could stop me again. I get into my car as fast as possible and make my way to Mystic Falls high. Ever since we found out Caroline was pregnant I compelled the school administrators to let her do the rest of her schooling at home until graduation. Caroline disagreed at first, but knew that it would be better for her mental health.The stress and anxiety would put too much pressure on the baby and as much as Caroline wanted to go back to school she knows its for the best. It also makes it so I know she will always be safe in a house full of vampires...Hmm...'a house full of vampires'...that sounds completely safe.

Just because I am doing this for Caroline and the baby doesn't mean that it will not effect me emotionally.

"Can you send Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, Matt Donavan, and Jermey Gilbert to the gym." I asked the school secretary.

"And who are you?" She said in a very sassy voice.

"I'm...," I saw a picture of the decade dance that was going on tonight, "here to deliver the sound system things for the decade dance." I said nonchalantly. She peered at me as she grabbed her phone. "Thank you." I gave her pray hands and left.

I entered the gym proudly feeling powerful and ready to give my apologies to people who apparently deserve it.


"Elena Gilbert." I said about to turn around until I felt a person push me up against the wall. I look at the person and see what I thought was Kathrine and quickly realized. "Elena." I pushed her off me. Her fangs disappeared.

"Elena who is it?" I looked behind her and saw Stefan walk into the gym door slammed shut.

"Klaus. What the hell are you doing here?" He said nasty.

"Is that how you greet someone who saved your precious Elena what was it...about a month ago?" I asked walking closer to the two of them. "But I am curious...who was it that turned Elena." I looked between the two of them. Suddenly, the air got very uncomfortable and I assumed this had to do with another Salvatore. "As I guess Damon. Of course you wouldn't want to be a vampire by choice I am did this happen?"

"Is this why you are here?" Elena asked not wanting to answer my questions. I smirked realizing I was right.

"No, but I need to know what I have missed out on so I can apologize accordingly."

"Apologize?" Jermey said entering the gym with a scoff. "You tried to kill us. You killed Jenna." Matt followed behind him.

"Jeremey wait." Elena said putting a hand up.

"Why do you want to apologize?" Elena asked confidently getting closer to me.

"Caroline and I are engaged."


Stone me softly...

I'm sorry I missed the last update. I had a writers block...

For those who do not follow me I have a NEW NAME, Pink Kitty. My handle is thepinkkitten16. If you would like to know why I changed it you may go to my recent announcement.

Again thank you all for being so patient!

Big hugs and kisses!

Don't forget to...





I love you all my beautifuls!


Pink Kitty

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