Author's Note

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This story is my first serious work and constructive criticism will be gladly excepted. Do not post any hateful comments.

Also, this book belongs solely to  and if you find it on any other platform, please do report. We, authors, put a lot of our time, brains, and heart into creating a story and it would break our hearts to see someone else taking the credits.

The story has mature themes such as violence, sexual harassment, mentions of rape, sexual themes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and angst.

I have tried to make the story a balance of happy and sad but there are some brutal scenes. If you are not in a state of mind to read this, it's totally fine! You can check out my reading lists to find something according to your taste :)

I would also request the re-readers to not give away the story.

For centuries the world saw kingdoms being established and they saw them crumble

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For centuries the world saw kingdoms being established and they saw them crumble. As humans formed civilizations, even the most primary types of civilization had their Leaders or Kings. Now as humans went through years, the definition of kings changed, or ancient aristocracy lost its power. Democracies and independent states were formed. But aristocracy prevailed.

Aristocracy's form changed but the system still exists. Earlier the aristocrats were the family who had titles and owned lands. But now, aristocrats are the families who own businesses, power, and money. Where before, Kings and Knights were the nobility; now, heirs and heiresses are the rulers.

Even in ancient times, the aristocracy was present in even the smallest corners of the world. Just as every town had a Lord or Duke, every smallest establishment has its social hierarchy. The King and Queen are the supreme power followed by nobility and church, while the peasants being at the lowest rung of the social ladder.

This nature of social hierarchy was not absent at Northwood University. The Northwood student body had their King and Queen followed by their tight-knit group of people of special importance, the Elites.

This power was, as has been seen for so many centuries, given by people themselves. It was the student body that worshipped the grounds they walked on and the people would be the ones used to bring them down.

After all, every Royalty which reigns someday crumbles to Ruins.

After all, every Royalty which reigns someday crumbles to Ruins

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