Intermission 10

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"I choose for the next episode to be Dark Cupid." Says Max

"Oh and guys, I'll be the only host person for a little while. Pink Bunny, Samantha or whatever you wanna call her is gonna be showing the show to people who will be joining us when we start watching season 2." Blue Fox says

"Okay guys. I'll see you either at the end of this, or the beginning of the next." Samantha says

"Bye." Everyone says

"Ladybug and Cat Noir, deal with your billboard thing and Max will brief Kim."

"Welcome Le Chien Kim/Kim LeChien"

"Okay." Marinette says

Hey guys, if there's anyone specific if you're interested in seeing to react for the next book let me know. So far I figured I'd bring Luka, Kagami, Marc and Marinette's Parents.

Anyway just let me know I guess.


In the other room

"Okay let's review these akumas' weaknesses or problems we discovered or were quite obvious." Marinette says

"Good idea." Adrien says


"Stoneheart." Marinette says

"He was unable to grip our miraculous' in the first place, so he was actually quite ineffective except for the concept." Adrien says


"Horrificator." Marinette says

"Horrificator was also unable to grip our miraculous'. Mylene's design didn't even have hands. Just slimy tentacle arm things. And as well as the fact that she shrunk if her fear was also calmed down."  Adrien recites

Princess Fragrance

"Good, and with Princess Fragrance there was only one main problem I saw with Hawkmoth's thinking." Marinette says

"Him making everyone sing horribly?" Adrien asks

"Well. Other than that." She says

"Okay." Adrien says

"When Princess Fragrance had you under her control, he could've had her make you give her your miraculous, but instead he had you chase after me."

"Yeah he's not very smart." Adrien says


"Reflekta" Marinette says

"Okay.. other than the unlawful shoes.." Adrien starts

Marinette chuckles.

"After Reflekta zapped me with the ray or whatever it's called, my miraculous disappeared." Adrien says

"The only good thing that did for us was that Hawkmoth was visibly pissed. Oh and I got to watch you walk in heels." Marinette jokes.

"Haha so funny." Adrien mutters.

"Okay moving on." Marinette says


"Timebreaker" Adrien reads out

"Hawkmoth had no backup plan for after you faded with your miraculous still intact." Marinette says

"Yeah.. I guess he literally just expected you to let her take it." Adrien comments.

"You know when we figure out his identity.. we're so gonna enjoy roasting his ass." Adrien says

"Oh big time." Marinette says with a laugh.

"Of course we probably do that enough on our own to be honest." She says

"There's never enough roasting for that man who preys on people and their negative emotions all day."

"Let's finish up so we can join the others." Marinette says

"Eh okay." He says

Lady Wifi

"Lady Wifi." Marinette says

"Hawkmoth told her to get you to use your Lucky Charm when you were locked to get you to detransform, when she literally could've just taken the miraculous he wanted so badly." Adrien says

"Wow. Thinking really isn't his strongsuit." Marinette says

"And also her power got cut off if she had no signal to cell towers and internet." Adrien says

"That's true too." Marinette says thoughtfully


"With Bubbler, I don't really think there were that many issues with plot and design of him." Marinette says

"Agreed. Let's look at the next one." Adrien says


"Evilstrator." Adrien reads.

"The answer to this one is obvious of course. His weakness was the fact that he couldn't draw in the dark." Marinette says

"Yeah, and that's literally how we won." Adrien says with a chuckle.


"Okay Gamer." Marinette says

"Well he was in a robot. So he wouldn't have been able to get our miraculous' either way." Adrien says

"Unless he got out, and if he did that he definitely would've lost faster." Marinette says

"This completes our chart until we finish the next episode." Adrien says

"Good Work partner." Marinette says

Marinette hugs Adrien.

"We're gonna kick Hawkmoth's ass." They say at the same time as they leave the room to join the others.

I probably won't post another part until later, bit I might start working on it as it is already almost 2am right now.

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