Assassins and Sickness (Dr Spencer Reid) [English]

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The subtle sucking noise which accompanied noticeable my steps were drowned in the thunderously rain. That was the reason my arrival was at first not noticed. "Can I sit down?", I asked. Spencer flinched and lifted his head. A confused look filled his eyes. His tear-streaked cheeks stinged me. He suffered and I didn't notice a thing! That made it even worse. After he recollected Spencer pointed at the free swing next to himself. I sat down on the wet place. Unstoppably the drops rained down on us. Hair sticked to our cheeks and foreheads. The wet clothes fitted like a second skin. We were soaked to the bone. None of us was cold! Why should we? The cold wasn't relevant just like the rain which drenched us. "You should go home! I don't want you to catch a cold.", Spencer broke the silence between us. I almost laughed! Was he serious? Obviously! Otherwise, he wouldn't have said that. Nevertheless, I wouldn't dream of letting him here and now alone! I needed me and his family -meaning his mom and the BAU- more than ever. I would only go if Spencer was chasing me away. Before that happened, nothing and nobody could get me to leave! I glanced at Spencer and then let my eyes wander over the playground. At least over what I could see through the pouring rain. "Why did you do that?", I asked. But I wasn't sure if my voice got through the rain. "What exactly do you mean?" He really heard me! "Why did I surrender myself to Cat Adams? Considering the age-" "I don't mean that!", I cut him off. Out of the corner of my eye I saw how Spencer starred at me. Stubborn I kept looking forward. "Why didn't you tell anyone that your mom got Alzheimer? You don't have to carry this around with you, Spencer! Nobody is expecting this and nobody who loves you wants you to do this. You will break down under all this pressure. And Spence..." I paused for a moment. "Spence, I don't want you to break down. I want to help you and your mom as good as I possibly can! But how can I assist you and give you my support when I don't even know that it is necessary." "I'll be fine.", Spencer replied. It was so quiet that it cost me a lot of effort to understand every single word he said. Slowly I stood up and knelt infront of my boyfriend. My hands rested hesitantly on his knees. "You won't be fine! You aren't fine otherwise you wouldn't be here. If you would be fine you would bet at home reading or do your research on Alzheimer! But you are here, and this is okay! You are allowed to cry; you can break down and you can dumb your burden. That is what I am here for. I am here for you, Spence!", I explained emphatically. Now Spencer avoided to look me in the eye. "I know.", he mumbled. The rain almost drowned his voice. I understood everything after all. "Like I've said I am fine. Thank you for all your effort but it is not necessary!", Spencer added. His voice mixed with the rushing of the rain. I couldn't hear what he said afterwards. I pressed Spencer on. "Please go home!", my boyfriend repeated. "It is late, and it is cold." Vehemently I shook my head. He could forget about this! "I am not leaving without you.", I stated. I crossed my arms and and stood up. Having a profiler as one's boyfriend taught one some tricks to let look one persuasive. I used that! Standing higher and looking down made me the leader of the conversation. That was what I wanted! "Why?" I harrumphed. It was more than obvious! I answered him anyway. "Why?", I echoed. "Because of I love you, Spencer Reid and I want let you hide yourself and decline help! You won't destroy yourself! You hear me? You. Want. Destroy. Yourself." At the mean time Spencer stood up from the swing. His face was so near that it was incredibly clear to see despite the rain. Water dropped of the strands of his hair down on my cheeks. I didn't mind! I didn't really notice it. My hands rested on his waist. My fingers clenched into his soggy shirt. "We can do it! But you have to let me in. It is a lot of effort when one of us has to try to get in and the other tries to keep the door closed. Please! I am begging you! Let's work on this together.", I cried. "You are wonderful! Do you know that?", Spencer answered. That was quite sweet but not what I wanted to hear. That's why I ignored the compliment he gave me. He shouldn't waste any time! I needed to know if he would let me into his emotional world or if I had to watch him break under his burden. "I need to know your answer, Spence! You and me or you and do I have to watch your burden crush you?", I asked again. Tears filled my eyes. I was scared of the answer he might give me. But I needed to hear it. I had to know what he wanted to do. I had to know how he decided. "You and I!", he answered. Relief couldn't describe nowhere near enough the feeling flowing through me. Thank God! Nothing could have made me happier. I didn't know what I would have done if Spencer had decided to fight all alone. He pulled me close. "There will always be you and me! I am not alone, and you are not alone." When he said that I sighed in relief. He was right and I was incredibly thankful for Spencer's similar opinion. A soft kiss brushed my slippery forehead. "You and I, Dr Reid.", I indorsed Spence smiling. "Let's go home, Love! I think we have to talk about a lot of things." I put my arm around his waist, and we started walking home. "Let's talk about that tomorrow.", I suggested. "I'd rather read with you today." Spencer smiled in silence and the rain absorbed us.

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