No Hero [English]

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Englisch version of No Hero

Used Prompts: (13) I am no hero! I have never been a hero. No one wants me to be the hero.

An ordinary day in my life would be dark, disgusting and just wrong for the rest of the world. I was living a life which I couldn't even imagine as a kid in my worst nightmares. As a teenager I noticed real quick that I had to survive. I could not do this if I tried to be a hero. I took my place in the darkness of the world! In the shadow I stumbled between the dark grey and black parts. It was just like that! Everybody had their area and I haven't put a toe on the light side. I didn't get a chance in a long time and now after all those I couldn't get out. But I didn't mind! Same as it ever was. An ordinary day in my life was surprisingly structured. Today it should be one of those days! As always life turned out differently than expected.

"Anabella Brandon? It's the FBI! Open up!" A loud crack echoed through the room and about 25 people surrounded me before I got the chance to react. Most of them were part of a SWAT-team but seven people were striking because of their FBI-bulletproof vests. It wasn't only the different vests which made them stand out. Their appearance and the sparkle in their eyes which I couldn't describe. All the guns were pointing at me. I was totally screwed! "Anabella Brandon, you are detained temporarily! Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You can call in a lawyer at any given time. If you cannot afford a lawyer, the state will provide you with one. You don't have to incriminate yourself or a relative! Did you understand your rights?", the agent who forced me to stand up without any violence asked me. A moment later my wrists were handcuffed. I nodded. I understood my rights and I would not say a world until my instinct told me otherwise. I didn't want to be responsible for many killings including my own!

It was the third time in 26 years that I found myself in an interrogation room. One time because of my parents. One time because of my ex-boyfriend. If you add today it equaled three. I tucked my hair behind my hair. My hands hid between my clenched thighs, fingers crossed. My lips which are pressed on one another were only parted when the tip of my tongue drive along my upper lip. My mouth was just as dry as my throat. I was scared! Scared of the police because of the way they treat the people from my world. Scared of the agents because I didn't know if they would treat me the way some police officers who I met did. Scared of what could come when I can go home. And I am scared of what will wait for me if I have to go to prison.

"Hello! My name is Hotchner. This is SSA Dr Spencer Reid." Dr Reid gave me a nod while Agent Hotchner opened the handcuffs. "Your rights were read to you by me. I am asking you to sign this as an assurance that you understood your rights." Shaking fingers took the pen which the agent held out towards me. I took the scrap of paper and began to read it. It saved lives reading everything you get in my line of business. The fine print was crucial! I signed the paper and pushed it across the table towards the FBI-agent. At the same time, I avoided making eye contact. Acting submissive brought the chance down of violence and abuse! At least this was what I've experienced. "Anabella, you know crime you are accused off?", SSA Hotchner asked. As I kept starring down, I shook my head. He didn't tell me when he arrested me. "You hacked into a government institution, sold the data in the darknet and commissioned an assassin-" "I did not commission anything. I keep away from assassins and assassination.", I mumbled. "Come again?", Agent Hotchner asked me friendly. Dr Reid kept silent. "I do not deal with assassins and assassinations.", I repeated louder. My voice still wasn't very clear. "We will come back to this later. Beside this you are accused of kidnapping children and several hacks into other governmental institutions." "I am not part of assassination or kidnapping." Now I lifted my head and looked shyly into one pair of dark brown eyes and another pair of hazel eyes whereas the lighter eyes of the silent agent fascinated me for some reason. "I admit that I hacked into those institutions, but I am absolutely not a part of the other accusations", I said. As fast as I could I looked down again. I panicked about the thought that they could hurt me like I am used to. A chair scratched over the grey linoleum covered floor. A short moment after I heard how a door opened and closed. "Anabella, my name is Spencer." The voice of the agent with the PhD was sousing, calm and confidence-inspiring. No anger, no rage, no disgust! It gave me the clue that I could possibly relax. But I wasn't sure! "I can see that you are incredibly scared since we brought you here. Do you want to tell me what scares you?" I swallowed hard. I had to cooperate. "You scare me." "I scare you?", Dr Reid dug deeper audibly surprised. "Not you specifically.", I replied low-voiced. "Who scares you?" "The police mainly. You work with the police! And the FBI scares me as well." Again, a chair scratched over the floor. Suddenly a pair of legs appeared infront of my eyes with the chair I've heard. The agent was sitting beside me now. "Why?" Again, I looked straight into Dr Reid's eyes. "The police -your friend and helper. That only counts for people who act according to the law. People like me don't get away that easily even though I cooperate." Shock filled the hazel-coloured eyes. His voice didn't reveal the feelings I saw in his eyes. "I promise you that nobody here will abuse you in any way. We only want to interrogate and want to execute you an offer." SSA Dr. Reid waited for a moment. I said nothing. "My unit -the Behavioral Analysis Unit- offers you a job as a technical analyst. You would team up with another analyst. In addition, all charges will be dropped if you help us with our current case." "That is not possible.", I clarified. "And I can't do that. I am no hero! I have never been a hero. No one wants me to be the hero. The part of the villain suits me very well! It protects me. If it is necessary, put me into prison. For months, years or until I die! I don't care. I will take what you give me because I can't be part of your world." Then I crossed my fingers again and rested them on top of my legs. In that moment my orange hair fell infront of my face. But I let it be where it was! I didn't move. The fear I could tell the BAU any detail by doing something inconspicuous for me fulfilled me. I would rather die in prison than be murdered on the streets.

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