twenty one

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Written on 11/6/21, WC: 1100


[ 2nd Person POV ]

Grelle giggled as she released the towel wrapped around her. "I'm free!" She laughed. The others were in another room; the Undertaker busy with dressing the two males into something.. More appropriate. You had brought Grelle into your room so that you could lend her some clothes.

You immediately shielded your eyes, but still caught a glimpse of her nether region. It was well.. It had the opposite of the normal female genitalia. "So uh.. Grelle.. Not to be rude or anything, how do you want me to address you?" You asked awkwardly. Your eyes were cast out the window, away from her naked figure.

"Call me Grelle!" She replied happily as she picked up one of the undergarments you had provided for her. It was a lingerie set that a friend had jokingly gifted to you last festive season. "Attire for when you get lucky!" The friend had teased.

Needless to say, it sat untouched in your wardrobe. You were hopeless with relationships.

And luckily for Grelle, it was a red lace set. "How pretty!" She had earlier exclaimed.

You chuckled at her innocent response. "No, I meant your pronouns."

Grelle gasped, "You're the first one to ask me that!"

You turned back to her out of instinct. She was thankfully, finished dressing and was wearing a pair of yoga pants and a loose t-shirt that you never used.

You looked at her confusedly. "What do you mean?"

Grelle frowned as she sat onto your bed. "I identify as a female, but everyone else sees me as a male because I was born as one." The pair of mouse ears twitched rapidly on her head and her tail curled around her arm. She was nervous and scared.

Grelle felt vulnerable. Never in her life had she gotten the chance to talk about this matter to anyone.

"So, you're transgender?" Grelle looks at you oddly at your question. "Transgender?" She repeats, the foreign word feeling weird on her tongue.

You grinned. "Yup! That's the term for people who identify with a different gender than their birth sex. For your case, you're a transgender female."

Grelle sits quietly as she processes your words. She perks up, an idea in her head. "Does that mean I'm a girl now?" She asks. You almost cried at her question. Sweet, sweet, Grelle.. Too innocent for her own good in this aspect. The Victorian era has done her dirty.

You clasp your hands around hers, a bright smile on your face. "You've always been a girl, Grelle. If you're worried about the outer aspect, well it's 2018! Treatment such as hormone replacements and sex change surgeries exist!"

A full-blown smile erupts on Grelle's face, showing off her razor sharp teeth with pride. "Does that mean, one day I can get boobs? Like real ones?"

You nodded with excitement, her joy was too infectious. Grelle screams happily, engulfing you in a hug. "Thank you, (Y/N)!"

You hugged back as tightly, feeling happy for your new friend.

Grelle's eyes flew open in shock. "Wait, did you say that it's currently 2018?"


William sighed as he heard Grelle's scream from your room. "I do hope Grelle isn't harassing our host," He mutters. He wiped his glasses, with the top the Undertaker has happily stitched up for him and Ronald.

What material did the Undertaker use?
Oh yes, more towels.

Too bad your brother only left two shirts behind, of which Sebastian and Ciel have taken. However, he did leave a few pairs of loose joggers, so it was not a total loss.

Ronald grinned cheekily as he looked at himself in the mirror in the living room. "Whatever these bottoms are, they made my arse look twice as big!" The Undertaker cackles at that. "I think they're called sweatpants, Knox!" He finally says as his laughs calm into giggles.

You finally enter the space with Grelle in tow, a large smile etched onto her face. Ronald raises an eyebrow at her. "Why are you so smiley, milady?"

Grelle giggles as she wraps an arm around your shoulder. "Nothing! Just a small secret between my new bestie and I," She looks at you with a nervous look. "Did I use that correctly? Bestie?"

You laugh and nodded. "Yes, you did." Grelle squeals happily once more and gives you another hug.

Sebastian coughs awkwardly, looking at you. He wanted to talk to you about something. However, Grelle recognises his sound and whips around, a lovesick look on her face. "Sebas-chan! I knew you'd wait for me~!" She exclaims, running at him with her arms outstretched.

Sebastian simply steps aside, ignoring the crashing sound Grelle made as she collided with the wall. You gasped and rushed towards her, "Grelle? Are you okay?!"

She gives you an awkward thumbs-up from the floor in the midst of her haziness. You frown at the red mark on the right side of her face, caused from the impact of hitting the wall.

You quickly pulled out a pack of frozen peas from the freezer and place it onto her affected cheek. She moans in relief and closes her eyes, "Thank you.."

You smile and patted her arm. "Get up whenever you're ready, okay?"


You sighed once you sat onto the couch next to the Undertaker, facing Ronald and William. The pair sat on a loveseat, a little too close than both were comfortable with. Their mouse ears twitched with every other moment. They were annoyed.

"Seems like I need to go shopping again.." You say exasperatedly.

Sure, you loved interacting with people. But going out is tiring. Plus, you just went to the mall with Sebastian two days ago!

"May I follow?" Ciel asks.

You looked at him surprised. You never expected Ciel to want to leave the home, much less ask if he could follow you. He seemed more introverted to you.

His puppy ears flatten momentarily. "Is that a no?"

You shook your head sideways, "Yes, you can follow! I was just surprised, that's all."

Ciel tiled his head, "Surprised about?"

You chuckled awkwardly. "You seemed more like an introvert to me. So, I thought that you'd prefer to stay at home."

Ciel hums in agreement and glances at the white raven that sat on his shoulder. "Indeed, I am. I just wanted to follow because you brought Sebastian with you the last time. To make things fair." He side-eyes Sebastian at the last sentence.

Sebastian catches his master's hidden meaning and meets Ciel's glance. He smirks.

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