twenty six

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A/N: sorry for the short chapter! it's been quite a hectic past two weeks for me. hopefully i can get a more proper chapter out by the end of the week!

Written on 20/7/21, WC: 973


[ 2nd Person POV ]

"What is that?" Ciel asked distastefully, eyeing the item that sat on the paper plate. It sat almost gracefully, steam wafting off from it and into your nostrils. It was like a gentle, cheesy hug. You hummed in delight, picking up the item. "Pizza!"

"Pi-what?" William asked. He picked it up and cringed at the feeling of the grease dripping onto his fingers. "Disgusting." He muttered, putting it back down and wiped his hand with a spare handkerchief.

You rolled your eyes and bit into the heavenly treat, letting out a satisfied moan. "Mmm~ so good~!" You teased your Victorian friends, who like Ciel, looked rather distastefully at it.

The Undertaker shrugged and followed your actions. He was the first of the Victorians to eat the modern treat. At first bite, his green eyes sparkled brightly, pleasantly surprised at the taste. "This-" He took another bite, "Is-" He bit it again and chewed, "Good." The word was muffled through his chews, but you could make out the word.

William grimaced and put a hand to his face, shielding his eyes from seeing the Undertaker chew with his mouth open. "Even more disgusting.." He complained under his breath and reluctantly picked up his slice of pizza, feeling the hunger within him take over.

Taking a bite, the flavours exploded on his tongue - the tanginess of the tomato sauce hitting him first, followed by the stretchy and mellow cheese and finally; the meaty bites of the pepperoni on top. All of this balanced on a thin crust, making a soft crunch sound with every bite.

You and the others watched William silently as he had his eyes closed and savoured the tastes of the ingredients blending together in his mouth. "So...." You trailed off. "I think he likes it.. I've never seen him react this way to any food," Ronald chuckles and bites into his own slice. He hummed and takes another bite. "Pretty good! Better than the sandwiches from the vending machine at work," He says happily.

William's eyes snap open, all contentedness from the treat gone. "Work.." He mutters with an annoyed sigh. Ronald groans loudly and puts his weight onto his boss. "I shouldn't have mentioned the forbidden word!" Ronald scolds himself as William tries to shake him off. "Get off me!" He barks.

Ronald ignores him and continues to munch at his pizza. "Come on, Grelle!" He encourages. Grelle perks up from seeing her fellow reapers approved of the treat. She picks her slice of pizza up and sniffs at it, catching the whiff of cheese and freshly baked pizza crust. Deciding that it was safe, Grelle took a bite, leaving jagged, shark-like bites behind due to her teeth.

You giggled at the odd pattern.

Grelle pretended to faint and fell onto your right side, "This is heavenly! I truly adore the modern era~!" She (nearly) screams enthusiastically. You laughed and ate along with her.

Ciel watched as everyone around him (except for Sebastian) ate their respective slices of pizzas happily. He shrugged, there was nothing to lose. He finally bit into it and despite being twenty-two, he ate it happily like a little child. It was a well-known fact that Ciel has a sweet-tooth, yet this savoury meal had hit the spot.

You finished up your slice and looked at Sebastian. His slice of pizza had gone untouched and was probably cold by now. You nudged him with your left shoulder, "Not hungry?"

Sebastian chuckled softly, "Afraid not,"

You pouted and pointed at his slice. "Come on! Everyone else is enjoying it. Do you need me to feed you?" Sebastian raised his eyebrows at your question and smiled. He did not have the heart to tell you that demons did not have the need to eat human food, nor the ability to actually taste anything that was not a soul.

You picked up his slice of pizza and held the tip to his mouth with a large grin, "Come on, say ahh~" You said cheekily, treating Sebastian like a stubborn five-year old. He returned your grin and played along, finally taking a bite of his pizza.

Unfortunately for him, he could not taste anything. Demon problems. Honestly, how upsetting. Pizza was like a gift from the gods.

Wait, never-mind.
Demons do not worship gods.

As he chewed, he felt the pizza slowly turn into a tasteless mush. He felt your hopeful glance at him, your (E/C) eyes bright with excitement. "It's good, right?" You asked.

He forced the mush down his throat. How could he say otherwise with that look on your face?

"Yes, I quite like it," He replied with a gentle smile. Your eyes sparkled even brighter as you smiled back.

You handed him his slice of pizza and abruptly stood up. "Where are you going?" Grelle whined, looking at you with a pout. You laughed and put a finger to your lips, "Getting a surprise!"

Moments later, you returned with another box of pizza. "Second servings, anyone?" You asked. The Undertaker's hand immediately flew up into the air.

You laughed at his response and pulled back the lid, the steam wafting off the freshly-baked pizza made the reapers' glasses fog up. William grumbled and wiped the lenses of his glasses with a piece of tissue paper. Grelle and Ronald just laughed at each other and waited for the fog to disappear.

As the steam disappeared into the air, it revealed another pizza. But, there was a twist.

This pizza had small slices of pineapples on it.

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