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"Why don't we get a house together in Ireland?" I hear Niall ask me.

My eyes widen and my breath hitches in my throat. A million thoughts run through my mind as I look over at Niall, a worried look crosses over his face.

"Uh um..." I begin as I sigh and look at him before continuing. "You know I would love to Niall. And it would be so great for the family we're just beginning to start. But it's so far away from my family and friends. I just don't know." I answer.

"I completely understand that. If we decide to do this, you can always fly out to see your family and friends in Pennsylvania. And they can fly to you also. All on me. It's not any problem I promise." he tells me.

"I don't want all of that on you though. Financial wise. It's a lot." I say.

"Did you forget who I am? It's seriously not a problem. We're married, we have a beautiful baby girl we get to bring home in just two months." he says.

"You're right. Okay. We can get a house together." I say and he smiles.

"Great because I know the perfect one."

*2 Months Later*

"I'm so excited! I can't believe today is the day we get to bring our little girl home!"

"Our new home across the ocean." Niall rephrases me.

"You're right." I smile as I look out the window of the SUV we're in.

We drive for half an hour before parking in front of the hospital our daughter is being held at. Niall unhooks the car seat from the back and I grab the diaper bag. We walk inside and check into the hospital, walking up into the room our daughter has moved to.

"Mr and Mrs. Horan. I wanted to congratulate you two on your beautiful baby girl. She has fully recovered from being a premie and can be taken home any time. She just has to pass the car seat test." the nurse tells us as we walk into the room.

Niall sets the car seat down where the nurse says to and picks up our baby from the little crib she was in. The nurse carefully lays our daughter into her car seat and buckles her in. We wait an hour before we are able to check out and take our baby home.

"And you're sure it's completely okay for her to fly?" I ask, the nurse nods.

"She is completely healthy and ready to go. Since Niall is her father we extended her stay here so we knew she was ready knowing you guys would be flying to another country." the nurse assures us. I nod.

We check out of the hotel and Niall buckles the car seat into the backseat of the SUV. I sit in the middle next to Chloe and Niall sits next to me. I was able to take a picture of Chloe in her car seat at the hospital and I decide to put it on instagram as we ride to the airport.

@laurenzz_ : Thank you to everyone for all the love and support the past couple of months! Chloe, Niall and I are now safely on our way to Ireland to start our life together! #BabyHoran2015

I post it to instagram and push the twitter option so it also goes onto my twitter account. I set my phone in my lap as I lean against Niall. We soon reach the airport and board the plane, putting Chloe in a special spot so she'll be save on the flight to Ireland. We sit down and buckle our seat belts as we take off to our new home.

*8 Hours Later*

The private jet we were flying on lands and we get our things and walk out, Niall carrying the carseat Chloe is in. We get into yet another black SUV that takes us to our new home we're living together in. Once we arrive we get all of our things and walk up to the house.

"Ready?" Niall asks me and I nod excited to see the house for the first time.

Niall unlocks the door and opens it, letting me in before he walks in behind me and closes the door.

"Oh my gosh Niall. This is so perfect!" I say ecstatically.

"Wait until you see the nursery" he smiles as he leads me upstairs and into the nursery.

As he opens the door I look around and smile. The walls are a light shade of pink and the furniture is pink and brown. Chloe's name is spelt in block letters on the wall right beside her crib.

"You did all of this?" I ask.

"I had a little help but yeah. I wanted everything to be perfect when she came home." he answers.

I take Chloe out of her carseat she was in and hold her close to me, a tear escaping my eye. I feel Niall walk up behind me and kiss my head.

"Ready to be a mommy?"

"As long as you're ready to be a daddy."

AN: This chapter was short and sucky and I'm sorry but I thought the end was cute!

This was the final chapter of the story, I'm sorry to see it come to an end but they all have to sooner or later!

I'm gonna post the first chapter of The Professor tomorrow maybe, I hope so if you're reading this, you should check it out!

Thanks for everyone who read this! I love you guys! xx

P. S. Just 144 days until OTRA Pittsburgh for those of you who's going!!

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