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"Hey mom? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I slightly yell as I walk down the stairs.

"Of course sweetie. Come sit." She says.

I sit on the couch beside her, as she turns the TV off. I look down and play with my fingernails not sure how to tell her what I need to. She's gonna be so upset with me but she'll be even more upset if she finds out later on.

"Well, as you know Niall and the boys are going on tour in just a couple days. Niall has to fly out to Australia early tomorrow morning." I tell her.

"Yeah?" She says that comes out more as a question.

"Well I was wondering if I could go with him. I know I'm only 17 but I'll be 18 in just a matter of months." I tell her.

"Lauren, I don't know about this." She tells me, not really knowing what to say.

"I wouldn't be asking you if there wasn't a good reason behind it." I tell her, tears stinging my eyes. I look at her as she waits for an answer.

"I'm pregnant" I tell her, tears running down my cheeks.

"W-what? How?" She asks, tears now in her eyes.

"Remember the road trip I took with Niall? That's when it happened. I'm sorry mom. I didn't mean for this to happen." I tell her, instantly hugging her.

"Does he know?" She asks and I nod. "well, I can't separate you and the baby from the father. If he's willing to stay then you should be with him as a family. As much as I'll miss you, I'll let you go." She says rubbing my back.

"Thank you so much. I promise we will Skype and I'll send you pictures of every moment. I love you mom." I say.

"I love you too sweetie." She kisses NY forehead and I walk upstairs to finish packing.

*The Next Morning*

"Ready to go?" Niall asks me and I nod. I say buy to my family one last time before getting into the car with Niall and driving to the airport.

"I love you, always remember that." Niall tells me, kissing my cheek, laying his hand on my belly. I nod and look out the window. Mixed emotions running through my body.

*So Many Hours Later*

"LAUREN!!" All of the boys yell as they run to me and squeeze me into a hug, making laugh.

"Guys baby on board." I laugh.

"Right. Sorry." Liam says with a smile.

We all ride to the hotel we're staying in and get settled into our rooms. I text my mom telling her Niall and I made it to the hotel. Jet lag is killing me, plus I'm tired from this pregnancy. I change into more comfortable clothes and lay down in bed, cuddling under the blanket. I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

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