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*A Month Later: 4 1/2 Months Pregnant*

"Are you excited about finding out today?" Niall asks me.

"Yeah, but not more than the fans." I laugh scrolling through Twitter on my phone. "How are we going to announce the news?"  I ask.

"I was thinking we could have a small get together held somewhere for friends and family and have it recorded for the fans to see. And we can cut a cake to reveal the news. Blue on the inside for a boy, pink for a girl." he tells me, wrapping his arms around me.

"That's a really good idea." I nod.

Niall and I put away some of the baby stuff the fans have sent in and started getting ready for the doctors appointment. I take a shower and dry my hair, curling the ends and putting on light make up. I walk into the bedroom and get dressed in a pink maxi skirt and a fitting white t-shirt to show off my belly. Niall walks into the bathroom and takes his shower. He soon walks out with styled hair. He gets dressed in his simple normal attire and we head towards the doctors office.

"Mr and Mrs Horan. How are we feeling today?" the doctor asks as he gets the equipment ready.

"Great. Just hoping for a healthy baby." I admit nervously.

I lay back on the table like bed and lift my shirt over my belly. My right hand rests above my belly and Niall holds my left hand. The doctor squirt the gel on my belly and starts moving the tool around.

"Everything seems to be normal. The baby is growing at the normal rate. Did you guys want to know the sex?" the doctor asks, looking over at us.

I look to Niall and he looks to me. A small smile appears on his face and he nods slightly. I smile and look at the doctor, nodding as well.

"Well, I'm glad to tell you that you two will be fantastic parents to a healthy baby girl." he smiles.

"Oh my gosh really? We're having a daughter?" I ask, tears brimming my eyes.

"You are. Congratulations " the doctor says, shaking our hands before leaving the room to gather the ultra sound pictures.

I wipe the gel off my belly with a paper towel and sit up after pulling my shirt down. Niall instantly pulls me into his arms and rubs my belly. The doctor walks back in with pictures in hand, and gives them to us. We thank him again before going to the hotel we're staying in. We send out a tweet saying not to miss out on the live gender reveal twitcam in just a few days.

"So what are you having?" Harry asks us as we walk in.

"You're going to have to wait until the revealing party." I say with a smile.

"Oh come on! Not even me? I'm you're favorite!" Harry whines making me laugh.

"As much as I love all of you, it wouldn't be fair. Plus we don't want the fans to find out before hand." I say.

"So what, you don't trust us?" Louis says, raising his eyebrows.

"No, of course I do. We're just keeping it to ourselves until then, okay?" I say and they all nod. Niall and I soon leave the group and head back into our own room.

"You're amazing." Niall tells me, taking me into his arms.

"You're more amazing." I say back wrapping my arms around his neck.

He leans down and presses his lips to mine. The baby kicks making me jump. Niall looks at me concerned, I take his hand and press it on the side of my belly where the baby is kicking most. A smile appears across his face as he kisses me again.

"Come on, let's get some sleep." I whisper and he nods. We get ready for bed and snuggle into the covers before falling asleep.

*That Weekend. Gender Reveal Party*

"Im glad all of you were able to fly down on just short notice. There's a table set up were you can pick either a blue or pink clothes pin, and a name suggestion box. So don't be a stranger!" I laugh and walk to the table with Niall and the others and sit down.

"Hey, I'm so happy for you." Kat says as she comes up hugs me.

"Thank you. And thank you for coming. Niall sent out all the plane tickets and I thought no one would actually take them." I laugh.

"Hey, I don't miss an opportunity to see you. Or my boyfriend for that matter." She smiles.

Liam then comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek and making her giggle. I smile at the scene in front of me before Niall comes up and wraps his arms around me.

"It's time." Niall whispers in my ear.

"Can the fans see through the twitcam?" I ask and Harry gives a thumbs up.

"They're more excited that all of us are here but they'll soon get over it." he chuckles.

"Well, I want to thank all of you for coming. Fans especially, staying up late or watching during class. I know this is only finding out if a little boy or girl is entering our lives but it means so much to us that all of you came. Okay, enough of the sappy talk." I laugh.

I walk behind the counter with Niall and standing behind the cake. Family members and friends take pictures of us before revealing the news. Niall gets put a knife and a plate. He puts his hand over mine to cut the cake, just like at our wedding. We cut out an end square and carefully put in on the plate and holding it up. Everyone shouts and cheers seeing the pink slice of cake.

"Okay, who guessed a girl?" I ask.

Almost half of everyone holds Their hands up and I pass out chocolate hershey bars with the SHE colored in pink. One of the boys shut the twitcam off after we say bye and Niall cuts the rest of the cake.

"Now, I can't promise you that you'll be the only princess in my life." Niall says before meeting his lips to mine.


The picture attached is what Laurens belly currently looks like at 4 1/2 Months or 17 weeks. I stole the ideas of the reveal party from my cousins. She had a cake and colored clothes pins and idea boxes and the people who guess right got a hershey bar with the she part colored in pink. Anyways I'm rambling sorry.

And I'm sorry if I put myself in these stories too much. I do write them so I figure that only makes sense but I'm trying to also tone it down lmao.

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